Room Paradise Ballroom A
Long before GPS, there was a guidance system for our souls that tracked the heart’s path through unseen lands. Such guidance is mostly hidden now, like antiques in the attics of our minds. But when the right one is held it can be like a magic lamp shining just for you in the darkness. That guidance is found in stories—fairy tales, myths and such–especially the ones that fit the time, place and purpose we are navigating. The presenter has chosen a dozen brief stories relevant for our uncertain times that might light the path for clients, young and old. We will explore how to unpack the themes or archetypes of stories for sharing the right one at the right time.
- Utilize short stories relevant to uncertain times to provide guidance
- Unpack the themes or archetypes of stories for sharing the right one at the right time
- Discuss how stories may be relevant to navigating real life situations