Presentation: Research consistently indicates that children who have experienced childhood trauma, including abuse or neglect, are at a much greater risk for negative social, emotional and educational outcomes, making child abuse and neglect prevention a high priority in public health. Providing interventions to families with multiple risk factors before child abuse or neglect occurs is key, but how can providers most effectively intervene with this population, especially given the impact of previous trauma on caregivers?
The Saint Louis Crisis Nursery has been a leader in child abuse and neglect prevention in the greater St. Louis region for over 31 years. Using the core principles of Trauma Informed Care within the framework of the Strengthening Families Approach, the Crisis Nursery provides immediate, trauma sensitive interventions to effectively reduce family risk factors for child abuse and neglect, and increase family protective factors. These strategies will be explored in greater depth to provide participants with a better understanding of the impact of past trauma on families with multiple risk factors for abuse and neglect, as well as outcome-driven, trauma-informed strategies for engaging these families to reduce risk and promote resiliency.
- Define risk factors for child abuse and neglect
- Describe the impact of past trauma on caregiver functioning
- Describe the relationship between past trauma and risk factors for child abuse and neglect
- Define the core concepts of trauma informed care
- Utilize core concepts of trauma informed care to inform interventions with families who have multiple risk factors for child abuse and neglect
- Utilize trauma informed interventions to increase family protective factors
- Identify trauma informed strategies for engaging families in participant’s own practice
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