The Missouri Opioid State Targeted Response and State Opioid Response (Opioid STR and SOR) projects aim to expand access to integrated prevention, treatment, and recovery support services for individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) throughout the state. The primary focus is on rigorous, multidisciplinary provider training and education on Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and the provision of evidence-based treatment services to uninsured individuals with OUD presenting for care within state-funded programs. Primary prevention activities center around increased awareness and decreased availability of opioids, led by local agencies in high risk areas. Prevention of overdose deaths will be accomplished through training clinical providers and at-risk individuals in the criminal justice system on Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution practices, and providing telemedicine didactic and consultation services to primary care providers treating chronic pain. Recovery support services will be provided in the form of Recovery Community Centers, supportive housing, and recovery management checkups, all delivered with a focus on peer engagement.
Combined with coordinated interagency collaboration, policy change, and sophisticated evaluation, the Opioid STR and SOR projects aim to transform the system of care for OUD in Missouri. This will be accomplished by developing evidence-based protocols, implementing multimodal professional training and consultation programs, and delivering effective and compassionate services to individuals in high need throughout the state.
The Opioid SOR grant continues the efforts of Opioid STR, while also funding innovative new interventions focused on OUD prevention, treatment, and recovery.