Ted Strader is the Executive Director of COPES, Inc. and the Managing Partner of the Resilient Futures Network, LLC. He is a proud husband and father and a nationally recognized author, curriculum developer, trainer, motivational speaker, and publisher on topics related to fatherhood and marriage programming, parenting skills, family strengthening, and the prevention of substance abuse, violence and prison recidivism. His highly acclaimed Creating Lasting Family Connections® curriculum series is used throughout the U.S. and several other countries. This program held three separate listings on the previously active National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), three separate listings in the Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy and is recognized on several other national and international best practice lists. In his book, “Building Healthy Individuals, Families, and Communities: Creating Lasting Connections”, published in 2000, he introduced the concept of “Connect-Immunity”. Strader credits his theory of “Connect-Immunity” for his success in designing effective programs across multiple fields of study leading to numerous published articles in peer reviewed journals and inclusion on best practice lists. In 2013, Mr. Strader was named one of the Top 100 Leaders in the U.S. by the John C. Maxwell Leadership Team.
Successfully Implementing a Statewide Roll-out of an Evidence-Based Family