
Angela Tate, MEd, LPC

Bart Andrews, PhD

Pat Coleman, MBA

Presentation: At the heart of every thriving organization is a strong and well-functioning team. What makes such a team? Behavioral Health Response provides contact center services including crisis intervention across the Eastern Region of Missouri and worldwide. Over the past 23 years of its existence, BHR has built a high-performing front line team focused on BHR’s mission of saving lives. Behind every high-performing front line team is a senior level management team that has to be just as high-performing. BHR has built such a team. This presentation will focus on the aspects associated with building a strong leadership team including effective management through strong working relationships, clearly communicating leadership’s vision and utilizing conflict to strengthen the team.


  • Identify stages of team conflict and their impact on the organization
  • Describe elements of effective management
  • Present replicable team building tools

Slides and Handouts: 

Tate_TEAMWork Makes the Dream Work