Biblia Therapy used in Adjunct with other Therapises to Enhance Treatment

Room Paradise Ballroom C



Bibliotherapy will be defined and participants will learn how to use a 4 stage process in order to maximize books in their profession.


    • Define bibliotherapy
    • Discuss bibliotherapy begginnings and how it is used now
    • Identify how to maximize your experience with books using a 4 stage process: identification, catharsis, insight and universilization
    • Discuss how bibliotherapy may help your profession

Experiential Assessment and Therapy for Difficult Clients and Confusing Situations

Room Paradise Ballroom C



You will get to see and feel your client’s dynamics and issues in a whole new perspective through experiential techniques, visual displays, metaphoric imagery, and playful exercises that reveal important and often hidden dynamics. The use of emotional space and body posturing may create emotional sculptures that suggest what needs and directions your client may require. What is exciting is that the visual or metaphoric images are undeniable and extremely beneficial for awareness and growth.


    • Reveal and utilize emotional spacing effectively.
    • Describe the benefit and use of visual props to illustrate dynamics and stresses.
    • Utilize metaphoric imagery exercises to playfully reveal powerful emotions and dynamics in relationships.
    • Utilize experiential techniques and exercises for therapeutic growth and genuine changes.


Treatment and Diagnosis of Individuals with Schizophrenia

Room Paradise Ballroom C



This presentation focuses on treatment and diagnosis of individuals with schizophrenia starting with a description of the schizophrenia spectrum. The presentation uses real examples to help clarify the schizophrenia spectrum and how to diagnose individuals. The end of the presentation includes an interactive segment with three fabricated case examples to provide the listeners with the opportunity to come up with assessment questions in order to reach an accurate diagnosis.


    • Define the schizophrenia spectrum.
    • Discuss the importance of communication and wrap-around services.
    • Discuss the meaning of success to clients.
    • Practice assessing and diagnosing clients.
    • Take an empathy-first approach with clients.

The Changing Face of Corrections-Based Substance Use Services

Room Leeward 74-75



This presentation will review the historical evolution of corrections based SU treatment services in Missouri, the current transitioning and development of these services, and the future expectations for these services, to include the important role of MAT.


    • Describe the historical evolution of SU treatment interventions in Missouri Corrections
    • Identify the current status of these services
    • Describe the important role of MAT within these services
    • Identify the present behavioral health model focus being implemented within corrections-based services

Harm Reduction: The Next Wave in Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Room Leeward 74-75



While the philosophy of harm reduction is generally welcomed and supported by industry professionals and the population alike, implementing harm reduction interventions is complex and often misunderstood. What does it look like – in practice – to approach a client from a harm reduction framework? Do we, as clinicians, approve or enable substance use and process addiction behaviors as we work from a place of compassion and curiosity?
Join us as we work together to understand and welcome our own professional and personal biases as they pertain to harm reduction. Let’s work together to provide a place for respect, dignity, and autonomy for those who are struggling with acute or chronic substance use disorder, eating disorders, and/or complex mental health challenges.


    • Describe what harm reduction means and how it is applied in counseling practice
    • Identify systemic and micro barriers to providing compassionate and client-centered treatment
    • Practice real-time harm reduction interventions within the presentation
    • Connect with other professionals to learn how to utilize the harm reduction philosophy in our respective workplaces

LGBTQIA+: History, Diversity, Inclusion

Room Paradise Ballroom A



This presentation will cover history of the LGBTQIA+ community, diversity within the community, and how to make your practice or organization more inclusive. While the topic range is broad, the presentation is meant to appeal to learners from all different backgrounds and knowledge bases. Through learning about history, diversity, and inclusion, you will be more aware of any implicit biases that exist. The goal is to meet participants at any point in their journey of cultural awareness, competency, or humility.


    • Review LGBTQIA+ History
    • Discuss the diversity present in the LGBTQIA+ community
    • Identify ways to make your practice more inclusive
    • Review statistics and how those experiences may affect the LGBTQIA+ community
    • Dispel stigma and myths regarding the LGBTQIA+ community

Culturally Competent Clinical/Counseling/Talk Therapy

Room Paradise Ballroom A


Dr. Naaman Lauderdale


We are providing an in-depth practical intervention mode.


    • Bring awareness to the importance of Cultural client-centered needs.
    • Provide practical culturally competent interventions.
    • Providing systematic approach that can be adapted.


Johnson Klierthermes, Andrew, MEd

Andrew Johnson Kliethermes Assistant Director, The Succeed Program with The University of Missouri-St. Louis Andrew Johnson Kliethermes serves as theAssistant Director of Succeed. Andrew has been with Succeed for over 8 years and has over 15 years of experience in business management, employee training, as well as working with individuals with disabilities and their families. Prior to joining Succeed in 2015, Andrew was an Employment Advisor with St Louis Arc. There he was able to collaborate with the leading team; Special School District, Vocational Rehabilitation, SSM St Mary’s Health Center, and St Louis Arc to help facilitate a pilot Vocational Skills Employment Training Program, or V-SET, complete its second year. Andrew holds his Bachelors in Business Administration from Lindenwood University, a Masters in Higher Education and Adult Learning from The University of Missouri-St Louis, and is currently a doctoral student with The University of Missouri-St Louis.


A Discussion over the Film, Intelligent Lives

Windgate 60-61



Johnson Kliethermes, Andrew, MEd


Participate in, and learn from, a stimulating discussion over the film Intelligent Lives. Intelligent Lives is a film by award-winning filmmaker Dan Habib.


  • Discuss various perspectives on the film and disability
  • Describe key themes present in the fight for disability rights
  • Utilize key perspectives from people with disabilities in their practice and profession


Digitization of Vulnerability – Social Media and Mental Health

Parasol II



Nwokwor, Ejike, MBBS


Increasing Social media use and the possible impacts Drivers of social media growth and the mental health implications.


  • Concerns about increasing social media usage
  • What drives the rapid increase in use of social media
  • Impact of social media use on mental health
  • Suggestions on controlling abnormal use of social media