McCullough, Amanda, BS

Mrs. Amanda McCullough is currently a graduate student at the University of Central Missouri. In May 2019 she will complete her Master’s Degree in Human Development and Family Science, with specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy. Mrs. McCullough is US military veteran and is passionate about helping military members and veterans in her career as a Marriage and Family Therapist. Mrs. McCullough is a certified Missouri Recovery Support Specialist with the Missouri Credentialing Board. She works as an MRSS at a community-based agency and also serves on the leadership team of Recovery Central, a collegiate recovery group at the University of Central Missouri. She also works as a research assistant for Missouri BCOR (Building Communities of Recovery), a SAMHSA grant-funded project through Recovery Lighthouse that focuses on the growth and sustainability of recovery support services and the strengthening of the Missouri Coalition for Recovery Support Providers.


Grief Process & Support Systems for Young Military Widows

Grief Process & Support Systems for Young Military Widows


Amanda McCullough, BS

Adriatik Likcani, PhD

Blake Dorsey

Presentation: For the last 17 years, the US military has been engaged in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. There have been many casualties because of these combat operations. These casualties of war left behind families that grieve their loss. This has created many young widows, a role which is traditionally thought to be at a much later stage in life. The loss of a spouse can be one of the most difficult losses to experience with far-reaching consequences. Presenters will describe the findings of their study with young widows which explored how these young widows experienced the sudden traumatic loss of their spouse, explore the support systems used by these widows to cope with their loss and navigate the transition in their identity. Researchers will present findings and discuss interventions that counselors and therapists can utilize when working with this population.



  1. Describe how these young widows experienced the sudden traumatic loss of their spouse
  2. Describe the support systems used by these widows to cope with their loss and navigate the transition in their identity
  3. Identify interventions that can be utilized when working with young military widows

PTSD: Transforming into Post Traumatic Growth: A New Vision for Treatment in Our Veterans


Julie Batson, LCSW

Anthony Norris

Presentation: This presentation focuses on PTSD and how it affects not only the individual but the neurochemistry of the brain and developing a model and vision of Post Traumatic Growth. Discussion of best practices in trauma focused therapy, what works, what doesn’t, what the research shows us. The presentation gives the definition of PTSD and how it can evolve into a definition of an “injury” that leads to immense growth, resiliency, purpose and meaning for the client, which will primarily define Post Traumatic Growth. Many examples will be highlighted from the presenters professional and personal experience, as well as more detailed explanations of specific evidence-based treatments and how they work. The presentation will include how trauma can be transformative, lead to immense personal growth. How the essential tools for growth and on “changing the narrative” of the experience assist the client in their healing journey.


  1. Define PTSD in context of Combat Veterans experience
  2. Identify trauma as a source of growth and transformation
  3. Describe the unique relationship of the trauma relationship and Veteran with PTSD
  4. Define Evidence Based therapies in the treatment of PTSD and why these work
  5. Describe how trauma effects the brain, and why knowing this is crucial for best practices in treatment of trauma.
  6. Expand knowledge and skills of trauma informed practice.



Norris, Anthony

Mr. Norris is a combat Veteran who served in the Army in both Afghanistan and Iraq–OEF and OIF. He has dedicated his life to the service of Veterans with PTSD who struggle to adjust to civilian life. He is the Vice President of Labs for Liberty and helps Veterans obtain trained service dogs. He holds a BS and MSW from Missouri State University has worked at the Springfield Vet Center for his specialization practicum. He has also worked as a Peer Specialist at the Veteran’s Health System of the Ozarks. His interests include service dogs in helping Veterans with PTSD, hunting excursions and wilderness retreats for disabled Veterans. He is an avid hunter and enjoys the wilderness.


PTSD: Transforming into Post Traumatic Growth: A New Vision for Treatment in Our Veterans


Batson, Julie, LCSW

Ms. Batson has been a trauma focused therapist at the Veteran’s Health Care System of the Ozarks and Springfield Vet Center, also part of the VA, for over nine years. Ms. Batson earned her MSW in 2001 from Missouri State University and has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for over 15 years. She has worked in the private sector as well as in medical settings prior to coming to the VA. Ms. Batson is certified in several evidence-based therapies: Prolonged Exposure, PAIRS and Moral Reconation Therapy. Ms. Batson’s interests are of evolving and developing a new vision of PTS, of Post Traumatic Injury and Post Traumatic Growth, in context of effective, compassionate, and long-lasting treatment of trauma in Veterans and civilians. Other interests are effective use of self in the therapeutic process and how outcomes of therapy are reflective of the therapist-client relationship. Ms. Batson has two grown children and lives in Springfield, MO with her three dogs and three cats. An avid reader and amateur of Yoga, she works to better herself, her practice, and her community.


PTSD: Transforming into Post Traumatic Growth: A New Vision for Treatment in Our Veterans


Likcani, Adriatik, PhD

Dr. Adriatik Likcani is an Associate Professor at the University of Central Missouri. He holds a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) form Kansas State University, two master’s degrees: MFT from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and MSW from University of Missouri Kansas City, and a Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Family Therapy from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Dr. Likcani is a Licensed Marital and Family Therapist (LMFT) in the state of Missouri. He has served as President of the Missouri Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and Co-Chair of Family TEAM for Missouri organized by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). Dr. Likcani is a Clinical Fellow with AAMFT and Alumni of the Minority Fellowship Program (MFP), where he also served for two years as member and one year as chair of the MFP Advisory Committee. He has extensive experience in residential and outpatient treatment and recovery support programs for substance use disorders. Dr. Likcani is invested in bridging academia with practice in order to provide his students the best training and networking possible. His goal is for students to leave UCM with a culture of service, and the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed and lead in the region, state, nation and the world.


Social & Emotional Loneliness

Family Recovery: Partnering with Families to Combat Opioid Use Disorders

Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans and Service Members


David Tate, PhD

Presentation:  This presentation will focus on diagnostic and research issues surrounding two common comorbid disorders in active duty service members and veterans, namely post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). The presentation will cover the issue of overlapping symptom presentation, briefly describe the basic biology that may underlie symptom presentation, and the implications these issues may have for treatment.


  • Review current epidemiology of PTSD and TBI in Service Members and Veterans.
  • Describe the issues of differential diagnosis especially in a population where these conditions are often co-occur.
  • Review the biological underpinnings of these two disorders.
  • Review the treatment issues and help attendees understand the current strategies for treatment of the comorbid conditions.