Myra Jenkins, ST

Myra Jenkins, ST, is currently completing her BSW at the University of Central Missouri. Prior to returning to college to complete her social work degree, she completed her education in surgical technology and worked for over ten years in the Kansas City, MO medical/hospital community. She has authored a manual, “Grief Support Groups: A Biblically Based Ministry for Those Who Have Suffered the Loss of a Loved One.” She is an avid volunteer, and her experiences have included patient advocacy; initiating a soup delivery stewardship for the sick and shut-in; homeless shelter administrative aide; lead grief support group facilitator and trainer. Currently, she volunteers as a children’s program advocate with Community LINC, in Kansas City, MO. While at Community LINC, she was selected to write, and have published, an article for their community/website newsletter. She is currently working on a book series on faith and its relationship to mind, body, and spiritual health.
