“Breaking Down the Silos” of IDD and Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions  

Nautical Wheeler



Glass, Kayette, LPC, PsyD


Presentation focuses on the gaps in the system between IDD and comorbid mental health conditions, especially requiring inpatient psychiatric care. Supporting and assisting individuals dually diagnosed continues to be a struggle. Research continues to suggest that individuals with IDD and mental health conditions are not receiving adequate mental health care in the community. A holistic approach is needed to address IDD and mental health issues. Greater attention to comorbidities and increased awareness to improve overall wellbeing is imperative. Understanding various techniques and strategies to work with IDD and comorbid mental health outpatient or inpatient increases quality of life.


Prevalence of IDD and psychiatric disorders
Multiple domains to improving quality of life
Strategies and techniques to utilize in treating IDD with a comorbid mental health condition


Positive Identity Development

Nautical Wheeler



Harvey, Karyn, PhD


This presentation will introduce the positive identity development approach to working with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). First, It will explore the developmental stages and the associated challenges of each stage as experienced by people with IDD. The unique impact of those challenges on people with IDD will be discussed. Then, the importance of the adolescent stage of identity development and the struggle faced by many with IDD will be explored in depth. Next, developing a positive sense of identity will be discussed. Finally, techniques and approaches that can be utilized for those supporting people with intellectual disabilities in order to facilitate positive identity development will be introduced.


Participants will be able to identify each developmental stage.

Participants will be be able to name the challenge to resolve during adolescence.

Participants will be able to describe the positive identity approach.

Sohl, Kristin, MD, FAAP

Kristin Sohl, MD, FAAP is a Professor of Clinical Child Health at the University of Missouri, Founder and Executive Director of ECHO Autism Communities. She is a pediatrician with extensive experience in medical diagnosis, evaluation, and longitudinal support of people on the autism spectrum and with other developmental/behavioral disorders. ECHO Autism Communities is viewed as the leading model in expanding equitable access to best practice screening, evaluation, diagnosis, and longitudinal support for autistic people particularly in underserved and rural populations. ECHO Autism Communities partners with children’s hospitals and autism centers in more than 50 locations in the United States and 30 international locations. These partnerships establish a large consortium of academic and community professionals defining and shaping the landscape of autism and disability services and research. Dr. Sohl is a tireless advocate for children and enjoys engaging other physicians and professionals in being a voice for children’s health. She is the Immediate Past President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Missouri Chapter and the chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Autism Subcommittee within the Council on Children with Disabilities. She also serves as the Medical Director for MU Missouri Telehealth Network and the MU Office of Continuing Education for Health Professions. She completed medical school and pediatric residency at the University of Missouri.


Autism Spectrum Disorder: Developing a Deeper Understanding

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Developing a Deeper Understanding

Nautical Wheeler



Sohl, Kristin, MD, FAAP


Let’s talk about the Spectrum and learn to think beyond the stereotypical conceptualization of autism to a deeper understanding of how characteristics present and evolve over time and across individuals. We will discuss the DSM-5 criteria, how it is applied and common co-occurring conditions to screen and manage.


Recall the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria as it relates to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Assess how characteristics of ASD present in early childhood and manifest across the lifespan
List common medical and psychiatric co-occurring conditions in Autism Spectrum Disorder


SOHL Presentation

Trauma-Informed Supports for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities – the Path to Healing

Nautical Wheeler



Harvey, Karyn, PhD


Trauma-Informed Supports for People with IDD – The Path to Healing
This session will provide an in-depth look at trauma in the lives of people with IDD and the effects of that trauma. The biological, psychological and social effects will be explored. Next, there will be a discussion of healing. Three components of healing will be reviewed: safety, connections and empowerment. The Positive Identity approach will be introduced as well. Finally the happiness assessment and daily happiness worksheet tools will be introduced.


1. Identify sources of trauma for people with IDD
2. Identify the positive identity development approach.
3. Utilize workbooks that develop a positive sense of self.
4. Utilize the happiness assessment.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Supporting Children With Developmental Disabilities

Nautical Wheeler



Hobson, Trisha, LPC, MA


This presentation will focus on learning about Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and how to tailor this effective treatment for children with developmental needs and their caregivers. PCIT is a well-supported evidence-based treatment for children that focuses on strengthening the parent-child relationship and reducing problematic emotional and behavioral concerns through positive play connections and behavioral management training for parents/caregivers. Families of children with neurodiversity, developmental, and/or medical needs often experience elevated stress that can impact the overall health of both the child and other family members, especially parents and caregivers.

Participants in this presentation will learn how PCIT can play an important role in the overall growth and development of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Participants will learn how the standard application of PCIT can be tailored to address the unique and individualized needs of children with developmental delays. This presentation will address how PCIT can support young children, in particular, reduce parental stress, and improve overall mental health during a very crucial time of child development. Participants will learn primarily through a didactic presentation format. Participants will have an opportunity for live observation and/or practice of skills learned.


1. Provide an overview of standard PCIT and the research to support this effective intervention
2. Provide an overview of the benefits and outcomes of PCIT
3. Discuss how PCIT can be tailored to address the unique and individualized needs of children with developmental delays
4. Review examples of PCIT in action

Hobson Presentation

Hobson Persentation slides

Hobson, Trisha, LPC, MA

Trisha Hobson is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has been practicing therapy in the St. Louis, Missouri area for 15 years. Trisha provides outpatient mental health services to children, teens, and parents/caregivers and has clinical experience in the areas of child trauma, child maltreatment, children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, child Anxiety and OCD, children and teens with ADHD, and children with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Trisha also provides support to parents and caregivers as they navigate stressors related to parenting a child with developmental and/or medical needs, as well as works with parents and caregivers to help strengthen parent-child attachment and connection through supportive experiences and interactions. Trisha utilizes a variety of therapeutic interventions, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Sandtray Play Therapy and other Play-based therapeutic interventions. Trisha believes strongly in treatment for children and families that is supported by research and shown to be effective, and is a Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) International Certified Therapist and Level 1 Trainer, a Missouri Rostered Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Clinician, and trained in Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE).


Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Supporting Children With Developmental Disabilities

Harvey, Karyn, PhD

Karyn Harvey has worked as a clinician in the field of intellectual disabilities for over 35 years. She has her Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology from the University of Maryland. She has published articles about therapeutic interventions for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), workbooks for individuals with IDD, and two books. Her first book, Positive Identity Development was published in 2009 and Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions, published in 2011. Her third book, Trauma and Healing will be released in 2023 by AAIDD. She is the director of program development and training for the Park Ave Group practice where she does both individual and group therapy with people with intellectual disabilities. In addition, she regularly conducts trainings on trauma-informed support for people with IDD, trauma-informed leadership, and trauma-informed behavioral interventions for both state and individual organizations throughout the US and Canada.


Trauma-Informed Supports for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities – the Path to Healing

Positive Identity Development




Woodruff, Jodi, PhD

Dr. Woodruff is an Assistant Professor of Research at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, Missouri Institute of Mental Health. She has 15 years of experience teaching psychology courses at the University level, both in-person in virtually. Additionally, she has presented her research at both national and international conferences and regularly provides continuing education training to mental health and primary care provider audiences.
Ms. Chapel Presented research virtually in 2020 at the Richard Macksey National Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium at Johns Hopkins University.


Care at the Crossroads: Strategies for Clients with Concurrent First Episode Psychosis and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities


Cox, Robert, MA, LPC

Robert Cox is the author of “The Life Recovery Method: Autism Treatment From a Trauma Perspective”, a therapist specializing in Trauma, Addictions, and IDD including Autism. He has lectured and trainings are available worldwide. In the second edition of his book he adds material about energy processing difficulties and how they affect individuals with IDD and autism.


Dysregulation in Individuals with IDD: Working Towards Better Supports