Helping People Achieve Employment-related Recovery Goals with IPS Services


Lynde, David, MSW


This workshop will provide a hands-on overview of the principles of Individual Placement and Supports (IPS) or Supported Employment for people with mental health challenges. The workshop will focus on the critical role of multiple provider stakeholders in working in an integrated and collaborative manner with IPS teams to help people develop and achieve their own individual employment-related recovery goals. The workshop will include information regarding skills, strategies and lessons learned from sites and providers across the country.


  1. Identify the principles of successful IPS services
  2. Identify some of the key stakeholder and service collaborator for IPS services to be effective
  3. Describe basic strategies and skills to enhance employment success


Lynde, David, MSW

David Lynde provides consultation and training regarding the recovery-oriented implementation and evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) at agency, system, and state levels.

David provides technical assistance and training regarding a number of EBPs including services for First Episode of Psychosis, Supported Employment, Assertive Community Treatment, Co-Occurring Disorders Integrated Treatment, and Illness Management and Recovery. David has worked in key roles federal and state employment projects including the National Implementing Evidence Based Practices (EBP) Project for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); the Recovery After Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE) program for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); the National Homeless Veteran’s Supported Employment Program (HVSEP) and the implementation of Supported Employment services for the Veteran’s Administration; the Johnson & Johnson – Dartmouth Supported Employment Program.

David also works as an expert consultant regarding state and federal Department of Justice mental health system lawsuits in a number of states and mental health systems across the country.


Supported Education: Helping People with Education and Training Goals 




What’s In it For Me? Empowering Your Finances Preserving Your Benefits


Heather Allen, BSW

Bianca Farr, MSW, LCSW, MARS


This presentation focuses on three core concepts: (1) Special Needs Trusts (2) ABLE accounts and (3) a comparison between the two. Midwest Special Needs Trust (MSNT) will define both Special Needs Trusts and ABLE accounts and discuss how these valuable financial planning tools benefit individuals living with a disability. Additionally, MSNT will explain parameters – like eligibility requirements – and give audience members a basic framework to understand who may benefit from a consultation about either, or both, service(s).       

Because MSNT is a pooled trust, MSNT will describe its charitable mission and give information about who may benefit from its program. Lastly, MSNT will, time allowing, take questions from the audience relating to the presentation.    


  1. Define Special Needs Trusts and ABLE accounts and understand their benefits 
  2. Identify who in their care may benefit from a Special Needs Trust or ABLE Account
  3. Utilize the knowledge gained to refer constituents to appropriate parties for consultation on their unique circumstances

Slides and Handouts:

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Farr, Bianca, MSW, LCSW, MARS

Bianca Farr, MSW, LCSW, MARS joined Midwest Special Needs Trust as Associate Director in November of 2019. Graduating from the University of Missouri – Columbia with a BA in Psychology and Master’s in Social Work, Bianca devoted her career to enhancing the quality of life for people of all abilities. Her experience includes over 22 years in state government as a mental health professional working with individuals/families with disabilities as well as policy development for behavioral health programs. For the past seven years, she served as the Director of Employment Services for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Behavioral Health. In this role she managed special projects that promoted the importance of supported employment and financial well-being of individuals with mental health and/or substance use disorders


What’s In It For Me? Empowering Your Finances Preserving Your Benefits 



Allen, Heather, BSW

Heather Allen joined Midwest Special Needs Trust as the Charitable Trust Specialist in March of 2015. Heather received a Bachelor of Social Work from Harding University and worked for many years as a medical social worker, insurance case manager and marketing director before joining MSNT.  In Heather’s previous careers she worked closely with clients, families, physicians, insurance companies, and many different organizations to make sure the needs of her clients were met.  This, as well as her knowledge of public benefits, makes her the perfect fit to work with those needing assistance through our charitable grant program.


What’s In It For Me? Empowering Your Finances Preserving Your Benefits 



Lynde, David, MSW, LICSW

David Lynde has provided consultation and training regarding the effective implementation and sustaining of Evidence-Based Practices for over 20 years. 

David has worked on numerous national and state projects regarding the development, planning, implementation and ongoing quality monitoring and improvement for multiple Evidence-Based Practices including Supported Employment & Education, Individual Placement & Supports, Assertive Community Treatment, Illness Management & Recovery, and Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders.


T.A.Y. Supported Employment & Education Rolling with the Changes



T.A.Y. Supported Employment & Education Rolling with the Changes


David Lynde, MSW, LICSW


The national pandemic in the US has forced mental health services delivery approaches to change rapidly and continuously.  We know a good deal about what works for Supported Employment & Education outside of this national health emergency, however, we do not have research to tell us what works in the current situation for Missouri and nationally.

People whose lives are affected by mental illness are still working, still furthering their educations and still pursuing their economic independence during the presence of COVID-19.  This presentation will provide a forum to learn, explore and share strategies, techniques, and service delivery options as well as supports for Transition Aged Youth who are receiving services related to their employment and / or educational goals.


  1. Identify the evidence-based principles of Supported Employment and Education Services
  2. Identify potential concerns of people in services regarding employment and education during the pandemic
  3. Describe creative engagement strategies for people in services regarding education and employment goals during the pandemic
  4. Identify and describe strategies and interventions as part of SEE services to assist people with education and employment goals during the pandemic

Slides and Handouts: