Lean Six Sigma in Behavioral Health


Tara Yates, BS, Kristine Norris, RN, BS and Felix Vincenz, PhD

Presentation: According to the Joint Commission of Transforming Healthcare, St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center will be one of the first behavioral health hospitals in the country to begin training in Lean Six Sigma and utilize their methodologies in their strategic plan. When Lean Six Sigma is discussed in business, leadership frequently states “We are unique, it won’t work here.” Our presentation will demonstrate to attends that Lean Six Sigma can work in Behavioral Health. The presentation will focus on the steps St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center took to certify 25 individuals as Yellow Belts in Lean Six Sigma. To be more specific, the presentation will alternate between brief Lean Six Sigma education and examples how the tools and methodologies were applied to the culture of St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center.



  • Describe how Lean Six Sigma can work in behavioral health settings.
  • Discuss the steps that St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center took to certify 25 individuals as Yellow Belts in Lean Six Sigma.
  • Explain Lean Six Sigma education and give examples of how the tools and methodologies were applied to the culture of St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center.


Yates_The Lean Six Sigma Journey In Mental Health Option 1














Past, Present and Future Supports for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities


Cla Stearns, PhD

Presentation: The presentation will describe emerging trends in the supports available for individuals with developmental disabilities, including the national push for true integration into the community.  These trends will be presented in the context of historical attitudes and service delivery models.  The recent federal emphasis on elimination of coercion, expectations of participation in the workplace, and the advancement of opportunity for a typical life will be discussed.  The presentation will also address the reality of co-occurring disorders and the increased emphasis on individuality of supports based on the individual’s interests, abilities, and desires.  Future trends, including a move from diagnosis-based services to function-based services will also be discussed.


  • Explain the trajectory of service provision from institutional congregate care through distributed congregate care and on to individual supports provided in the general community based on personal interests, goals, and functional ability.
  • Encourage of a view of supports that moves past diagnosis-based approaches to one based on the interaction between an individual and the community environment.
  • Recognize the fundamental right of all individuals to the opportunity for a typical life and what this concept means for the traditional view of supports.


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What Are They Using Now?! Understanding the Current, Constantly Shifting Drug Trends


Bob James, MA, LPC

Presentation:  Current drug trends are ever changing. Counselors, social workers, nurses, doctors, police officers, deputy juvenile officers, Judges all need to know these trends to spot problems and provide early intervention. How has marijuana changed since the mid-1990s? What is Wax, Dips, Bars, Sizzurp, Robotrippin? How is the internet used by teens looking for information? Why is synthetic Marijuana so popular and abundant? This Presentation answers these questions for the professional, and provides an open forum for questions that need to be asked.


  • Review the four categories of mood altering chemicals, and what each does to the bodies central nervous system.
  • Describe the process of making and distributing Synthetic Marijuana, and its prevalence in our community today.
  • List 5 over the counter medications that people abuse regularly to get high.
  • List possible consequences and signs of usage from using synthetic and research chemicals.


James_What are they using now






Taegel, MEd, Andrew

Andre Taegel holds a Master of Education in Counseling, and is a Certified Reciprocal Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Medication Assisted Recovery Specialist, and Clinical Supervisor, having completed the MCB Clinical Supervision Training. Currently he is receiving supervision from Dr. Robyn Walser, a nationally recognized ACT therapist, author, trainer, and researcher in order to personally conduct ACT with clients and in groups. Mr. Taegel has attended several workshops and trainings with Dr. Stephen C. Hayes, ACT co-founder and leading author.