Strategic Interventions for Engaging Resistant Adolescents


Amanda Gregory, MA, NCC, LPC

Presentation: Adolescents are one of the toughest populations to engage in therapy. Clinicians encounter multiple obstacles while serving this population such as dysfunctional family dynamics, mandated treatment expectations, developmental trauma, attachment needs, brain development, and attention issues. This presentation will provide a road map illustrating how to facilitate engagement by building and maintaining trusting relationships by utilizing experiential interventions. Attendees will learn how to build and maintain trusting relationships with highly resistant adolescents by providing empathy, attunement, playfulness, safe boundaries, empowerment, and cultural sensitivity. Attendees will also learn how to implement multiple individualized experiential interventions designed to promote adolescent engagement. This presentation will include demonstrations of the interventions, opportunities for attendees to practice these interventions, and intriguing case studies.


  • Identify obstacles which hinder engagement when providing treatment for resistant adolescents
  • Develop how to build and maintain a trusting relationship by utilizing the following interventions: empathy, attunement, playfulness, safe boundaries, empowerment and cultural sensitivity
  • Practice and implement individualized experiential interventions designed to promote adolescent engagement


Gregory_Strategic Interventions for Engaging Resistant Adolescents A Gregory











Supervision and the Code of Ethics *Ethics Hours


Terri Cooley-Bennett, MSW, LCSW and Caroline Cooper, CMPS

Presentation:  Mental Health Professionals supervise in different capacities: for licensees, students, and employees. Sometimes they are clinical supervisors only or employment supervisors only and sometimes have a dual role.  How do Ethics Codes impact the supervision experience?  What types of ethical dilemmas arise for the supervisor?  What do various ethics codes say about supervision?  All of this will be covered in this presentation which meets the Ethics Requirement for Social Workers, Substance Abuse Professionals, Certified Counselors and possibly others.


  • Several Codes of Ethics including NBCC and NASW will be reviewed that relate to supervision of employees, students, licensees including social workers, counselors, etc.
  • Ethical dilemmas in regards to supervision in a behavioral health setting or substance use treatment setting will be discussed and ways for appropriately managing these dilemmas
  • Supervision strategies will be discussed in order to facilitate the prevention of ethical violations











DEA 360 Strategy – Battling Prescription RX and Heroin Misuse


Juan Wilson

During this presentation, we will discuss the prescription medication and heroin epidemic and what the DEA and DEA 360 Strategy are doing to address them.


  • Review fundamental knowledge of substance use.
  • Understand the connection between prescription medication and heroin misuse.
  • Identify current drug trends/statistics.
  • Learn strategies in how to identify potential resources/partners in the community.






The Truth About Mental Illness and Violence


Paul Thomlinson, PhD

The presentation will be a lively research-based talk, supported by judicious use of PowerPoint slides, and a bit of live music to make things more engaging and enjoyable.


  • Enumerate facts and data refuting the spurious correlation between mental illness and violence
  • Describe promising harm reduction approaches to gun violence and mass shootings
  • Discuss an alternative explanation for mass shootings and gun violence built on the phenonmena of social isolation and withdrawal.





Thomlinson DMH Spring Training Institutes 2016 The Truth about Mental Illness and Violence – Slides in PDF format

Clinical Assessment of Psychotic Patients for Risk of Violence


Angeline Stanislaus, MD

Dr. Stanislaus will discuss the prevalence of violence in the Seriously Mentally Ill (SMI) population, and summarize the studies that have examined this issue in various treatment settings and community samples. She will discuss the significance of acute psychotic symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and delusional beliefs in assessing risk of impending violence. She will also discuss early intervention in prevention of violence.



  • Review the prevalence of violent behaviors in the seriously mentally ill patient population.
  • Understand the significance of assessing acute psychotic symptoms and their relevance to risk of violence.
  • Learn early intervention strategies to minimize risk of violence

Slides in PDF format