Engaging Families in Services: The Family Recovery Program
Paradise Ballroom B
Larkin, Nicole, MS, CDAC, SMFT
Dr. Likcani developed the Family Recovery Program with the support of the Department of Mental Health, and the contributions of a team of colleagues at Recovery Lighthouse and the University of Central Missouri. This presentation will focus on specific interventions on how to engage families and how to partner with them when they have a loved one struggling with SUD/OUD. Participants will learn concrete interventions they can use in their communities to engage families, promote family recovery, reduce stigma, and increase their knowledge on family systems-based interventions for family therapy, psychoeducational groups with families, and how to develop local support groups for families. The three main Family Recovery Program goals are to: 1) Help families get their loved one into services and in recovery; 2) Coach families to use their strengths and resources as a healthy support system for their loved one; and, 3) Help them develop a vision of a healthy relationship and improve family structure & functioning. Goals are accomplished through a comprehensive approach focusing on the following five overarching program components: 1) Family Education Workshops; 2) Open Support Group for Families; 3) Family Therapy; 4) Immediate Access to Resources; and, 5) Public Relations and Service. Participants will learn about program goals, components, and implementation strategies of the Family Recovery Program at their agencies.
1. Discuss strategies how to engage families in services.
2. Explore ways to integrate family systems-based interventions in alcohol and drug treatment and recovery support programs.
3. Review concrete ideas for implementing the Family Recovery Program.
4. Discuss qualitative and quantitative research outcomes of family engagement in services.