Roberson, Amethyst, MA, LPC, NCC

Amethyst Roberson is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Nationally Certified Counselor offering Christian Counseling, Coaching and Professional Development workshop services to those in need. Roberson was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. She graduated from Oral Robert’s University Counseling program and is the Executive Director and Founder of C.A.R.E Solutions Inc. and Amethyst Roberson Therapy LLC. As a mission-minded person, she helps individuals, families and communities discover remedies to their distress, find resources, information, opportunities, and options that bring about change. Throughout her career, she has been driven towards impacting lives, listening, solving human problems, and providing solutions through counseling. Her vision is that every individual, family and couple is hopeful, empowered and emotionally and mentally healthy within their family system and community. She has worked with organization and assists with operations, management and supervision. She provides community relations, advocacy and programming. She has developed education training curriculum relevant to clients in service. This work includes material for people of all ages.


The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences & Trauma on Fathers

McCaskill, Eddie, MSW, EdD, LPC, LCSW, NCC, CADC

Dr. Eddie McCaskill is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Master’s Addiction Therapist, and a National Board-Certified Counselor. Mr. McCaskill has been licensed in the State of Missouri since 1991 as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Licensed Professional Counselor. Mr. McCaskill completed his undergraduate degree in Psychology from Pepperdine University. Mr. McCaskill completed his Master’s in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis and completed his Doctorate from Argosy School of Professional Psychology and Grand Canyon University. Mr. McCaskill has provided services to the under-served population in the St. Louis area for 30 years. Mr. McCaskill has provided mental health services to children who are in the foster care system and youths involved with St. Louis Family Court. Mr. McCaskill has provided co-occurring therapy to drug addicted, traumatized, HIV positive and homeless individuals. Mr. McCaskill is recognized as a Military Family Life Consultant expert by the Department of Defense. Mr. McCaskill area of expertise is trauma, depression, and adverse childhood experiences. Mr. McCaskill was recognized and honored by Bank of America’s Neighborhood Excellence Initiative when he was selected a 2011 Local Hero. Mr. McCaskill was recognized and honored for his work in the community by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.-Xi Zeta Chapter as an Unsung Hero in mental health for 2014. Mr. McCaskill received the 2015 Community Healthcare Award from St. Louis Celebrity Senior’s non-profit organization for providing mental health services to the local community. Mr. McCaskill received the St. Louis American’s Excellence in Healthcare award in 2017 for his work in the St. Louis Community. Mr. McCaskill was recognized by the Missouri House of Representative in a resolution put forth by State Representative, Steven Roberts. Mr. McCaskill was recognized for his 30 years of providing services to the underserved community in the St. Louis Area.


The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences & Trauma on Fathers

The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences & Trauma on Fathers


Eddie McCaskill, MSW, EdD, LPC, LCSW, NCC, CADC

Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC

Geoffrey Schaefer, MSW, LCSW

Presentation: The purpose of this workshop is to examine to what extent trauma and adverse childhood experiences impact the lives of Black fathers who have experienced trauma or one of the ten indicators of adverse childhood experiences.


  1. Discuss the impact of trauma
  2. Define ACE
  3. Describe the connection between ACE, trauma and substance use

Gray, Angela, MSW, EDs

Angela is a school social worker in Alton, Illinois. She has been with the district for sixteen years. Angela has extensive knowledge of working with at-risk teens, especially at-risk girls. She has been asked to speak on numerous topics such as self-esteem, anger management, resolving intense conflicts between youth, restorative justice, and other topics. Angela is the founder of Empower Me, a girls’ group for at-risk teens. She meets weekly with the teens to discuss relevant issues that they are facing in today’s society. She was also a co-founder of the A-Town Steppers, an award-winning Step Team of seven years.


Best Practices for Working with At-risk Girls with Challenging Attitudes


Best Practices for Working with At-risk Girls with Challenging Attitudes


Angela Gray, MSW, EDs

Presentation: Do you work with an at-risk girl who has a negative or challenging attitude? Challenging attitudes displayed are often camouflaged as a defense mechanism to hide the pain and protect the student from being hurt. These girls are often misunderstood as “troublemakers”. They are dealing with “adult-like” issues, such as drug use in their families, single parent homes, raising their siblings, and some girls are the “breadwinner” of the family. Not to mention the teen issues they are facing, such as a low self-esteem, relationship drama, mean girl bullying, and living up to the expectations placed upon them from social media, music videos, and explicit songs. This workshop session will help participants to better understand and respond to girls with challenging attitudes. Relational aggression among girls will also be explored. During this session, Angela will teach innovative techniques that can help girls empower themselves. She will also share powerful and useful tools to develop a trauma free atmosphere to create girl empowerment. Relationships is the key to building relationships with girls with challenging attitudes. This will be an interactive, fun, and down to earth session you don’t want to miss.


  1. Define Attitude
  2. Explore how attitudes are shaped and formed
  3. Explore how self-esteem impacts teen girls
  4. Explore the correlation of stress and teen girls
  5. Describe the socio-economic differences among youth and how it impacts their self-esteem
  6. Discuss strategies to work with at -risk youth with challenging attitudes
  7. Examine strategies that professionals can use to help girls with challenging attitudes



Vincenz, Felix, PhD

Dr. Felix Vincenz is the Associate Director of the Missouri Institute of Mental Health at the University of Missouri. He also serves as the Chief Operating Officer of St. Louis Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, a state operated, long-term inpatient forensic hospital. Dr. Vincenz has worked in the Department of Mental Health for over 36 years, serving in various capacities, including Chief Executive of the State’s only Maximum-Security Hospital, the Department’s Director of Facility Operations, and as the Chief Operating Officer of the Division of Behavioral Health. In the latter two roles, he oversaw all the state operated psychiatric hospitals and habilitation centers, and was responsible for working with the department’s contracted providers for community mental health services. He is a clinical psychologist by training.


Recruitment & Retention in State-Operated Behavioral Health Organizations

Recruitment & Retention in State-Operated Behavioral Health Organizations


Felix Vincenz, PhD

Presentation: The presentation will address recruitment challenges specific to state-operated and state-contracted behavioral health organizations, noting the difficulties inherent to: (a) non-competitive pay ranges; (b) impediments to use of bonuses and other private sector strategies for rewarding and retaining high performing and/or difficult to retain employees; and (c) employee scarcity in key behavioral health disciplines, particularly physicians, psychologists, and nurses.


  1. Describe recruitment and retention challenges in the behavioral health marketplace
  2. Discuss the financial, clinical, and HR impact of high turnover rates
  3. Identify various mitigation strategies for retention

Effective Interventions for Body Focused Repetitive Disorders


Carolyn Raynor-McClanahan, MSW, LCSW

Presentation: This presentation will define Body Focused Repetitive Disorders, and briefly describe each type (Dermatillomania, Trichotillomania, Onychophagia), citing the DSM-IV diagnoses criteria. The presenter will provide some statistical information as to the prevalence of the disorders and speak about her daughter’s ongoing battle with Trichotillomania. Treatments that were effective for her in managing the disorder, to include examples of Habit Reversal Training, will be presented. The presentation will also discuss the evidenced-based research findings that indicate a combination of SSRIs and CBT with a focus on habit reversal training. Lastly, she will discuss the lack of large scale studies and the effort The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors makes to educate and assist those who have the disorder and their families.


  1. Define and describe Body-Focused Repetitive Disorder (BFRD)
  2. Identify and describe the two prevalent types of Body-Focused Repetitive Disorders
  3. Describe effective treatment modalities for Body-Focused Repetitive Disorders with specific focus on Habit Reversal Training
  4. Identify community resources that specialize in treatment and support of Body –Focused Repetitive Disorders

PTSD: Transforming into Post Traumatic Growth: A New Vision for Treatment in Our Veterans


Julie Batson, LCSW

Anthony Norris

Presentation: This presentation focuses on PTSD and how it affects not only the individual but the neurochemistry of the brain and developing a model and vision of Post Traumatic Growth. Discussion of best practices in trauma focused therapy, what works, what doesn’t, what the research shows us. The presentation gives the definition of PTSD and how it can evolve into a definition of an “injury” that leads to immense growth, resiliency, purpose and meaning for the client, which will primarily define Post Traumatic Growth. Many examples will be highlighted from the presenters professional and personal experience, as well as more detailed explanations of specific evidence-based treatments and how they work. The presentation will include how trauma can be transformative, lead to immense personal growth. How the essential tools for growth and on “changing the narrative” of the experience assist the client in their healing journey.


  1. Define PTSD in context of Combat Veterans experience
  2. Identify trauma as a source of growth and transformation
  3. Describe the unique relationship of the trauma relationship and Veteran with PTSD
  4. Define Evidence Based therapies in the treatment of PTSD and why these work
  5. Describe how trauma effects the brain, and why knowing this is crucial for best practices in treatment of trauma.
  6. Expand knowledge and skills of trauma informed practice.



Norris, Anthony

Mr. Norris is a combat Veteran who served in the Army in both Afghanistan and Iraq–OEF and OIF. He has dedicated his life to the service of Veterans with PTSD who struggle to adjust to civilian life. He is the Vice President of Labs for Liberty and helps Veterans obtain trained service dogs. He holds a BS and MSW from Missouri State University has worked at the Springfield Vet Center for his specialization practicum. He has also worked as a Peer Specialist at the Veteran’s Health System of the Ozarks. His interests include service dogs in helping Veterans with PTSD, hunting excursions and wilderness retreats for disabled Veterans. He is an avid hunter and enjoys the wilderness.


PTSD: Transforming into Post Traumatic Growth: A New Vision for Treatment in Our Veterans