CenterPointe Hospital

CenterPointe Hospital offers a comprehensive continuum of care for a wide range of psychiatric disorders in adults, adolescents and children, and provides the area’s only private adult alcohol and drug abuse treatment program. With inpatient and residential services at its St. Louis Metro-area facility in St. Charles, Mo., and outpatient programs at eight Metro-area locations, CenterPointe is here to help.


Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services

MO P&A is a federally mandated system in the state of Missouri which provides protection of the rights of persons with disabilities through legally-based advocacy.

MO P&A was established in 1977 to address public outcry in response to the abuse, neglect, and lack of programming in institutions for persons with disabilities.

MO P&A is the only legal rights organization in Missouri exclusively for people with disabilities.

MO P&A provides nine federally-funded programs to protect the legal rights of persons with disabilities. Due to limited funding in each program, the protection and advocacy system establishes specific service priorities and objectives on an annual basis.

MO P&A is a member of the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN). To learn more about NDRN and other state protection and advocacy systems, visit their website at


Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council

The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council is a federally- funded, 23-member, consumer-driven council appointed by the Governor. Its mandate under P.L. 106-402, the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, is to assure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration in all aspects of community life.



CLAIM is the Missouri State Health Insurance Assistance Program. Trained counselors provide free, unbiased advocacy, education and assistance to people with Medicare and those who help them to make informed decisions about Medicare and related health insurance needs.


Missouri Recovery Network

The Missouri Recovery Network (MRN) is a statewide, nonprofit grassroots recovery advocacy organization. The MRN’s mission is to bring awareness and improve community and public understanding of substance use disorders and recovery. We advocate for the widespread adoption of recovery concepts and practices at the local, state and national levels and engage and empower those in recovery, seeking recovery, and family members to act as agents of transformation, influencing recovery supports, services and outcomes. MRN organizes and mobilizes the recovery community to speak out in order to help shape public attitudes, policies, and opportunities for those in recovery and/or seeking recovery from a substance use disorder; Promote greater access to recovery support services; Reduce stigma and discrimination and promote acceptance surrounding individuals and families affected by substance use disorders; Identify needs and gaps in our communities related to substance use recovery and promote conversations to improve the lives of people affected by substance use disorders.


Department of Mental Health

The Department of Mental Health is comprised of three divisions: Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities and Administrative Services.  Collectively, the divisions work to plan, supervise and evaluate the provision of mental services for Missourians with mental disorders, developmental disabilities, and substance use disorders.

The department makes services available through state-operated facilities and contract agreements. The state-operated facilities include six adult psychiatric hospitals, one children’s psychiatric facility, five long-term-care habilitation centers, 6 regional centers and 6 satellite offices for persons with developmental disabilities, and the central administrative offices.