Self-Care Room Presentation | Mindfulness Meditation: An Easy and Effective Self-Care Skill | Limited Seating

Please note that seating for presentations in the Self-Care Room (Parasol I) are limited to 25 seats. This presentation will last from 10:30am – 11:30am.


Chun-Zi Peng, PhD

Presentation: Through mindfulness meditation, we will find inner peace and befriend our discomfort (physical or mental) to be healthier and happier.


  • Articulate the definition and myths of mindfulness meditation
  • Provide scientific evidence for how mindfulness meditation works
  • Guide audience through meditation to be inspired to learn more on meditation for self-care purposes or to integrate into their practice.











Self-Care Room Presentation | Mindfulness Meditation: An Easy and Effective Self-Care Skill | Limited Seating

Please note that seating for presentations in the Self-Care Room (Parasol I) are limited to 25 seats. This presentation will last from 2:00pm – 3:00pm.


Chun-Zi Peng, PhD

Presentation: Through mindfulness meditation, we will find inner peace and befriend our discomfort (physical or mental) to be healthier and happier.


  • Articulate the definition and myths of mindfulness meditation
  • Provide scientific evidence for how mindfulness meditation works
  • Guide audience through meditation to be inspired to learn more on meditation for self-care purposes or to integrate into their practice.











Self-Care Room Presentation | Aroma Freedom Technique; the Movement of Essential oils into Mental Health | Limited Seating

Please note that seating for presentations in the Self-Care Room (Parasol I) are limited to 25 seats.


Stephanie Mobley, MSW, LCSW

Presentation: In this presentation, the focus will be discussing alternative treatment methods in mental health; focused on aromatherapy and a specific technique by Dr. Benjamin Perkus, Clinical Psychologist, called the Aroma Freedom Technique.


  • Review the Aroma Freedom Technique.
  • Discuss how to help clients through out-of-the-box thinking and treatment styles.
  • Describe how to work with any diagnosis through Aroma Freedom Technique.











Registration Open

Registration will be open in Windgate Hall from 3:00pm – 8:00pm.

Exhibitors are also free to start setting up during this time.










Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans and Service Members


David Tate, PhD

Presentation:  This presentation will focus on diagnostic and research issues surrounding two common comorbid disorders in active duty service members and veterans, namely post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). The presentation will cover the issue of overlapping symptom presentation, briefly describe the basic biology that may underlie symptom presentation, and the implications these issues may have for treatment.


  • Review current epidemiology of PTSD and TBI in Service Members and Veterans.
  • Describe the issues of differential diagnosis especially in a population where these conditions are often co-occur.
  • Review the biological underpinnings of these two disorders.
  • Review the treatment issues and help attendees understand the current strategies for treatment of the comorbid conditions.











Craft, Maria, MAT

Maria Craft has worked in mental health organizations for more than four years. During this time she has developed and delivered a variety of educational programs and worked to raise much needed awareness. Maria has completed Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), holds a master’s degree in teaching and a bachelor’s degree in communications.


Walking Man Movie and Discussion


Center for Cognition and Recovery

CETCLEVELAND® is a community-based form of Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET), an Evidence-Based Practice designed to help people with schizophrenia and related cognitive disorders improve brain and cognitive development, social cognition, and increase vocational capabilities. CETCLEVELAND® is offered through The Center for Cognition and Recovery (CCR), an innovative organization that provides professional training and consultation to community-based and inpatient mental health and human service organizations that wish to provide CETCLEVELAND® to people recovering from schizophrenia and related mental illnesses.


Missouri’s State Targeted Opiod Crisis Grant: What We’re Doing and Why


Rachel Winograd, PhD

Presentation: Funds from the Federal 21st Century Cures Act were distributed to states by SAMHSA in Spring, 2017, to address the opioid crisis in the form of State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis (Opioid STR) grants. Missouri’s is led by Dr. Rick Gowdy, Director of the Division of Behavioral Health, Missouri Department of Mental Health, and directed by Dr. Rachel Winograd of the Missouri Institute of Mental Health-University of Missouri, St. Louis. Collaborative partners include substance use and healthcare agencies, organizations, and academic affiliates throughout the state. This talk will describe the landscape of opioid use and overdose deaths in Missouri and how the Opioid STR project plans to curb the trend and change the system of care in our state. The primary goals of the Missouri Opioid STR project include: 1) Increase provider and consumer-focused opioid use and overdose prevention initiatives and programs (through school-based prevention, telehealth consultation on safe opioid prescribing in primary care, and expanded overdose education and naloxone distribution efforts); 2) Increase access to evidence-based Medication Assisted Treatment for uninsured individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) (through rigorous provider training, direct service delivery, healthcare integration, and improved transitions of care in hospital and outpatient settings); 3) Increase the number of individuals with an OUD who receive recovery support services (through four new Recovery Community Centers, supportive recovery housing, and peer specialist services); and 4) Increase the likelihood of sustainability through policy and practice change as well as demonstrated effectiveness of grant-supported protocols.


  • Describe the regions and populations in Missouri most heavily impacted by opioid use and overdose death
  • Describe the role of agonist and partial agonist medications (e.g., Suboxone) in an evidence-based approach to the treatment of opioid use disorder
  • Review the primary objectives of the Missouri State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis Grant in the areas of prevention, treatment, and recovery support

Slides and Handouts:

Winograd STI Missouri Opioid STR









Rudder, Timothy, MSW

Tim Rudder, MSW, received his Bachelors of Social Work from Saint Louis University and Masters in Social Work from the University of MO-Columbia. Mr. Rudder holds a CADC and MARS credential from the Missouri Credentialing Board.  Mr. Rudder began work with the DMH in 2008 as the Treatment Specialist for Missouri’s Access to Recovery (ATR) federal SAMHSA grant, prior to that working as a CADC at a treatment facility for adolescents with substance use disorders. Currently, he is the Manager of the DBH Billing and Services Review team, the Project Director for Missouri’s Medication Assisted Treatment – Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction (MAT-PDOA) federal SAMHSA grant, and the Treatment Manager for Missouri’s State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis grant. Mr. Rudder also serves on the MO-HOPE (Missouri Opioid/Heroin Overdose Prevention and Education) Advisory Council.


Humans of Behavioral Health: Real People – Real Ethics



Buprenorphine for Heroin Dependence: An Update


Luis Giuffra, MD, PhD

Presentation:  Dr. Giuffra will describe the result of scientific data on how to use buprenorphine successfully in the treatment of heroin dependence.


  • Review the role of medications in the treatment of heroin dependence.
  • Describe the best methods of using buprenorphine.
  • Discuss the role of psychosocial interventions in the context of buprenorphine use.