Two Rivers Behavioral Health System

Two Rivers Behavioral Health System is a 105-bed, acute psychiatric hospital located in South Kansas City, Missouri and is easily accessed from Kansas City International Airport (MCI).  In addition, the hospital is close to most metro Kansas and Missouri suburbs. Our mental health facility offers comprehensive behavioral healthcare for children, adolescents and adults. We treat a broad range of psychiatric illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders. Our facility also offers treatment for addiction issues for alcohol and other substances. At Two Rivers Behavioral Health System, focus is on our patients and their success.

Heroin- An Epidemic


Brandon Costerison, MA

Heroin- An Epidemic will focus on numerous trends related to opiates in the St. Louis region. The presentation will address use, roots in prescription drug abuse, touch on treatment options, and have focus on prevention efforts both in regards to best practices and public policy initiatives.

Slides in PDF format

Costerison, Brandon, MA

Brandon Costerison, a native of Birmingham, Alabama, graduated from Auburn University with a BA in Communication and from Gonzaga University with an MA in Communication and Leadership. He moved to Missouri in 2007, working in politics. Brandon began working as a public awareness with the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse – St. Louis in October 2015. One of his primary roles in public education on heroin and prescription drug abuse in the region.


Heroin- An Epidemic


Credible Behavioral Health, Inc.

Credible is committed to improving the quality of care and lives in behavioral health for clients, families, providers, and management. We strive to deliver the highest quality Behavioral Health technology at a great value. Remaining focused on providers, be they Community-based, Clinic-based, Youth or Residential, Credible differentiates on innovation, value, and customer service.

Missouri Institute of Mental Health Professional Training

The Missouri Institute of Mental Health’s Professional Training Center creates and implements innovative programming to provide quality behavioral health education to both the general public and service providers. The Center has its roots in the Institute’s Division of Continuing Education, which served the training and education needs of mental health professionals for nearly three decades.

Today, we use a variety of technological tools to offer a multitude of affordable and accessible training programs. Blending formats allows us to deliver important material to a greater number of people than ever before. Our goal is to get quality information to the people who need it.

DMH Office of Disaster Services

The Office of Disaster Services (ODS) coordinates behavioral health response for Missourians in disaster situations. To strengthen the Department’s capacity to respond, the Office of Disaster Services coordinates efforts with numerous state agencies including, Homeland Security, State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), numerous non-governmental and faith-based organizations active in disaster response. When a federal disaster is declared in Missouri, the Office of Disaster Services applies for and administers the FEMA Crisis Counseling Program grant award.

ODS offers disaster preparedness training, Psychological First Aid and Mental Health First Aid training to health care providers, school personnel, community-based volunteer organizations, emergency responders, law enforcement personnel, mental health consumers, and the faith-based community. The ODS also provides informational fact sheets about common reactions to disaster, coping strategies and the emotional impact of disasters for various demographic groups and populations. The Office of Disaster Services is involved in ongoing statewide planning initiatives such as mental health emergency planning, planning for the needs of children, and continuity of operations planning for state agencies, businesses and faith-based organizations.



Great Circle

Great Circle is an agency that provides a unique spectrum of behavioral health services to children and families. With specialized programs and highly-trained professionals, we provide hope to those in difficult circumstances throughout Missouri and beyond.



IPS Supported Education for Youth: Breakout Group


Sarah Swanson, LSW, CRC

Currently, there is little training to help practitioners prepare to provide supported education services.  This presentation will focus on how staff can prepare to provide these services. The presenter will also describe how different programs in the U.S. provide supports to high school students, help people learn about different careers and develop career plans, and how they help people engage in certification and college programs.

Before the First Episode of Psychosis: Prodromal Phase


Melissa Smyser, MSW

Amy Steven, MSW

This presentation will focus on the time period prior to a first episode of psychosis in which individuals are experiencing attenuated or brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms known as a prodromal phase, including related changes in the DSM 5.  Recognizing and identifying the prodrome of first episode psychosis creates an opportunity for earlier intervention, which in turn can potentially delay or even prevent the onset of psychotic disorder.

Steven, Amy, MSW

Amy Steven – Amy Stevens is currently the Chief of Children’s Community Operations for the Western and Southwest Regions. In this role, Amy provides oversight, program development, and strives to enhance the continuum of services available to the children in her region. Prior to her role with DMH, Amy worked as a hospital social worker, an investigator of child abuse and neglect, and a hospice social worker. She also served as an officer in the Air Force. Amy has a Bachelors in Social Work from Baylor University, a Masters in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis, and is currently in a PhD program for clinical social work with the Institute of Clinical Social Work located in Chicago.


Before the First Episode of Psychosis: Prodromal Phase