Dynamics of Breathing for Stress Reduction


Colleen Loehr, MD

This workshop will include breathing and mindful movement exercises to reduce stress. The workshop will include Coherent Breathing exercise to increase heart rate variability and overall wellbeing. Highlights of research studies about the benefits of qigong, mindfulness, and pranayama (breathing exercises) will be reviewed. Participants will be able to practice the exercises to help reduce stress and ‘burn out.’ Participants will also be able to teach these beneficial practices to clients. Information about resources for ongoing practice will be provided. The presenter will also describe experiences teaching these exercises to mental health patients at Fulton State Hospital.

Slides in PDF format

Loehr, Colleen, MD

Dr. Loehr is a psychiatrist at Fulton State Hospital who has completed trainings in mindfulness, qigong, and coherent breathing with Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Dr. Herbert Benson, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jack Kornfield, Dr. James Gordon, Dr. Richard Brown, Dr. Patricia Gerbarg, Dr. Roger Jahnke, Robert Peng, Dr. Effie Chow, Chunyi Lin, Mingtong Gu, Kim Eng, and others.


Dynamics of Breathing for Stress Reduction

Always Turned On: Sex, Porn and Love Addiction in the Digital Age


Richard Young, MSW, MDiv, LCSW, CSAT, CMAT

The goal of this program is to present up to date information on how digital technology is impacting sexual behavior, dating, and intimacy among people of all ages. We will discuss how technology is generating a “new breed” of sexually addicted individuals whose brains get literally hijacked by an unlimited online world. The goal of the presentation is to give clinicians information on how to assess and learn tools and resources to assist clients in their treatment and recovery from compulsive sexual and relational behaviors. Special emphasis will be given to treatment for spouses/partners who have been betrayed by their partner’s behaviors and address the trauma that these individuals often experience as a result.

Young Always Turned On 5-1-16 – Slides in PDF format

Young, MSW, MDiv, LCSW, CSAT, CMAT, Richard

Richard Young, MSW, MDiv, LCSW, CSAT, CMAT is in private practice in St. Louis, MO. He is a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist and a Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist through the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals. In his private practice he focuses on treatment with individuals struggling with sexual addiction along with providing treatment for partners/spouses to address accompanying trauma. He offers individual, couples, and group therapy. Richard graduated from St. Louis University with his MSW in 1998 and completed his certification for treatment of sexual addiction in 2012. He completed his certification in treatment of multiple addictions in 2015.


Always Turned On: Sex, Porn and Love Addiction in the Digital Age

Nolin, PhD, Marta

Dr. Marta Nolin has worked for Mo DOC for 19 years the past 12 of which she has served as an Assistant Division Director for the Div of Offender Rehabilitative Services with oversight of substance use disorders services. In her “past lives” she has worked in various clinical positions in private practice, hospital and college & university settings in Massachusetts, Ohio & Missouri. She also worked in the College Student Personnel field and also an adjunct faculty member in various colleges and universities. She moved to Missouri 30 years ago for the Counseling Psychology doctoral program at UMC.


Effective Collaborations to incorporate MAT and enhance the Continuity of Care for Corrections Involved clients

Doherty, Stephen

Stephen Doherty, Regional Director with Gateway Foundation provides operational oversight of 9 Gateway program sites in Missouri providing substance use disorder and co-occurring disorder treatment to adults involved in the criminal justice system. Mr. Doherty has over 25 years of experience in the behavioral health treatment field, and eight years as an adjunct faculty member.


Effective Collaborations to incorporate MAT and enhance the Continuity of Care for Corrections Involved clients

Effective Collaborations to incorporate MAT and enhance the Continuity of Care for Corrections Involved clients


Stephen Doherty, MEd

Marta Nolin, PhD

This presentation will provide an overview of the integration of medication assisted treatment (MAT) into the full continuum of substance use disorder treatment for offenders incarcerated in and/or supervised by the Missouri Department of Corrections. The presentation will underscore the collaboration established and in place between numerous state agencies and private treatment providers that has been essential to enhance treatment processes over the continuum from in-custody to community based treatment. Included in the presentation will be an overview of the various MAT projects and steps necessary in implementation and challenges, lessons learned, steps toward expansion and preliminary evaluation outcomes. The presentation will include representatives from the various disciplines who contribute to the success of this project toward reducing recidivism of offenders with substance use disorders including the Departments of Corrections and Mental Health, Probation and Parole, in-custody and community based medical services, in-custody and community based SUDS treatment providers and academia involved in research and evaluation of the project.

Kerby, MA, LPC, Scott

Scott Kerby, MA, LPC has seven years’ experience working as a substance abuse and mental health counselor and supervisor, following twelve years of previous experience as a Student Minister working with at-risk youth and their families. Kerby is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and provides training, coaching, and supervision in a wide variety of settings. He is passionate about equipping professionals with evidence-based practices that will allow them to be more effective in helping others change. Kerby is married with two sons and does his best to not embarrass his wife while coaching little league.


Technology-Assisted Care for Substance Use Disorders

Technology-Assisted Care for Substance Use Disorders


Scott Kerby, MA, LPC

This workshop aims to improve awareness of and receptivity to using Technology-Assisted Care (TAC) for the treatment of Substance Use Disorders (SUDS). This workshop will help identify effective TAC interventions and introduce participants to two validated TAC interventions that are available. The presentation will identify strategies and approaches for adoption and integration of TAC into routine clinical practice, and explore implementation and integration challenges that exist (cost, reimbursement, security, etc…).

Smith, MEd, LPC, James M.

James M. Smith, MEd, LPC, has a broad range of work experience, and has training in Trauma Focused CBT. Mr. Smith is currently a Ph.D. student at Walden University.