CLAIM is the Missouri State Health Insurance Assistance Program. Trained counselors provide free, unbiased advocacy, education and assistance to people with Medicare and those who help them to make informed decisions about Medicare and related health insurance needs.


Missouri Recovery Network

The Missouri Recovery Network (MRN) is a statewide, nonprofit grassroots recovery advocacy organization. The MRN’s mission is to bring awareness and improve community and public understanding of substance use disorders and recovery. We advocate for the widespread adoption of recovery concepts and practices at the local, state and national levels and engage and empower those in recovery, seeking recovery, and family members to act as agents of transformation, influencing recovery supports, services and outcomes. MRN organizes and mobilizes the recovery community to speak out in order to help shape public attitudes, policies, and opportunities for those in recovery and/or seeking recovery from a substance use disorder; Promote greater access to recovery support services; Reduce stigma and discrimination and promote acceptance surrounding individuals and families affected by substance use disorders; Identify needs and gaps in our communities related to substance use recovery and promote conversations to improve the lives of people affected by substance use disorders.


Department of Mental Health

The Department of Mental Health is comprised of three divisions: Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities and Administrative Services.  Collectively, the divisions work to plan, supervise and evaluate the provision of mental services for Missourians with mental disorders, developmental disabilities, and substance use disorders.

The department makes services available through state-operated facilities and contract agreements. The state-operated facilities include six adult psychiatric hospitals, one children’s psychiatric facility, five long-term-care habilitation centers, 6 regional centers and 6 satellite offices for persons with developmental disabilities, and the central administrative offices.

Salmons, Nichole, MSW, LCSW, BCD

Nichole Salmons, MSW, LCSW, BCD, Emergency Room Enhancement Services Program Director with Mark Twain Behavioral Health covering the rural nine northeastern Missouri counties (Clark, Scotland, Schuyler, Adair, Macon, Shelby, Marion, Lewis, and Knox). Nichole graduated Magna Cum Laude with her BSW from Wichita State University.   During undergraduate studies, Nichole worked with the Salvation Army homeless youth and at Kansas Social Rehabilitation Services truancy department.  She then earned her MSW through the Advanced Standing Program at the University of Missouri.  In 1997, Nichole went on board with the Social Learning Program at Fulton State Hospital Maximum Security Unit until 2001. In 2005 Nichole opened her own private practice providing individual, family and group therapy. Nichole has led the ERE service implementation and development since its origin in August 2013 for MTBH.  The team has a strong grassroots concept that has been effective in the intentional linkage with community members across the 4,604 square miles.  In her spare time, Nichole works on the family Hereford Farm along with her husband, their children and her mother in-law and father in-law.


Emergency Room Enhancement Unique Urban & Rural Services

Haywood, Sally, MPA

Sally Haywood, MPA, joined Behavioral Health Network as Strategic Projects Manager in June 2014. Previously she worked for Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) to launch a new effort targeting community providers’ grant procurement skills for governmental and non- governmental funding.  For 16 years she served Washington University’s School of Social Work and Public Health (Brown School) as Director of Administration for the Center for Mental Health Services Research (CMHSR).  She was responsible for coordination of federally funded research projects focused on mental health services and implementation of evidence based practices.  Most all of the projects were conducted in collaboration with community-based service providing organizations, state agencies, and components of the school/university.  She served as the CMHSR’s primary liaison with the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Children’s Division, and Department of Health and Senior Services.  In the early ‘90s, she worked for Grace Hill Neighborhood Services (now Affinia Healthcare) with the Grace Hill Wellness Initiative and as special assistant to the CEO.  She has a Masters of Public Administration from Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, and a BA from University of Missouri, Columbia.


Emergency Room Enhancement Unique Urban & Rural Services

The Impact of Parental Substance Use on Young Children and Teens


Megan Keller, MS

Substance use disorders have been found to affect the whole family, not just the person that is using or drinking. Children of an addicted parent are at much higher risk for addiction themselves. This presentation will bring more light onto how this is a family disease and, in particular, how young children and teens can be helped through their own recovery. Concepts that will be shared are Warning Signs, the 5 Cs, At-risk Kids, the Reaction Spiral, Effects of Stress, How Adults Can Help and the importance of a Safety Plan. This will be an interactive presentation utilizing worksheets, Power Point, and class participation.

Keller The Impact of Parental Substance Use on Young Children and Teens – Slides in PDF format

Keller, Megan, MS

Megan Keller received her bachelor’s degree in Family Studies from Miami University and her Master’s Degree in Family Studies from Purdue University. Megan also is a RASAC II with the Missouri Credentialing Board. Megan has worked in the field of substance abuse for 15 years and her focus is on working with children and teens who have been affected by a family members substance use.


The Impact of Parental Substance Use on Young Children and Teens

Myra Jenkins, ST

Myra Jenkins, ST, is currently completing her BSW at the University of Central Missouri. Prior to returning to college to complete her social work degree, she completed her education in surgical technology and worked for over ten years in the Kansas City, MO medical/hospital community. She has authored a manual, “Grief Support Groups: A Biblically Based Ministry for Those Who Have Suffered the Loss of a Loved One.” She is an avid volunteer, and her experiences have included patient advocacy; initiating a soup delivery stewardship for the sick and shut-in; homeless shelter administrative aide; lead grief support group facilitator and trainer. Currently, she volunteers as a children’s program advocate with Community LINC, in Kansas City, MO. While at Community LINC, she was selected to write, and have published, an article for their community/website newsletter. She is currently working on a book series on faith and its relationship to mind, body, and spiritual health.



Project Access

Autism resource agency for Missouri public schools since 1985. Providing resources, training and consultation for educators and staff who work with students who experience Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Website address and brief description:

Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals is an industry leader in providing specialty biopharmaceutical products used in the treatment of autoimmune and rare disease specialty areas, respiratory therapies, pain and related conditions, and diagnostic procedures. The company’s three segments include branded medicines and devices, generic drugs and medical imaging. Visit to learn more.