McCullough, Amanda, MS, SMFT, CRADC

Mrs. Amanda McCullough completed her Master’s Degree in Human Development and Family Science, with specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy, at the University of Central Missouri. Mrs. McCullough is currently under supervision working towards licensure. Mrs. McCullough is a Certified Reciprocal Alcohol and Drug Counselor working at a community-based agency as a counselor, primarily with the Johnson County Recovery Court. Mrs. McCullough is a US military veteran and is passionate about helping military members and veterans in her career as a Marriage and Family Therapist.



1. Contemporary Ethical Issues in Treatment and Recovery Support: Ethics, Values, Morals and Personal Worldview

2. Family Recovery Program: Development and Implementation



Peterson, Ryan, Ph.D.

Dr. F. Ryan Peterson is a professor in the Child and Family Development undergraduate program and the Human Development and Family Science graduate program at the University of Central Missouri.  He earned his doctoral degree from the University of Georgia in Child and Family Development and his master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Kansas State University. He serves as evaluator for the Building Communities of Recovery (BCOR) Grant and for the Johnson County, Missouri expansion of drug court treatment services. 

Dr. Peterson has presented at state and national conferences on the topic of treatment for Substance Use Disorders. In addition, he provides professional development training for community-based recovery centers and serves as a professional development coach for alcohol and drug counselors and peer mentors.  His current research interests are the role of family in the treatment of Substance Use Disorders, sibling relationships, and emerging adult risky behavior.


Contemporary Ethical Issues in Treatment and Recovery Support: Ethics, Values, Morals and Personal Worldview



Contemporary Ethical Issues in Treatment and Recovery Support: Ethics, Values, Morals and Personal Worldview


Adriatik Likcani, PhD

Ryan Peterson, PhD

Amanda McCullough, MS, SMFT, CRADC

Emily Brown, MS, CRADC


This presentation on ethics is beyond the ‘typical’ topics of dual relationships and abuse of power with clients. It is about us as professionals and our personal worldview and professional acculturation. Why do ethical codes exist? What do I do when my values and morals conflict with ethical codes? How to deal with ethical dilemmas? What is wrong with faith-based approaches? What is wrong with evidence-based treatment? What is wrong with recovery support services? This session will help you find the answers to any of those questions!

This is a session about ethics, values, morals, personal worldview and professional acculturation in the practice of treatment and recovery support for opioid use disorders and other substance use disorders. Participants will learn about the ecology of substance use treatment and recovery support and issues that arise with scientific discovery such as evidence-based practices and effective interventions, medication assisted treatment/recovery, integration of faith-based approaches, etc. Such contemporary issues tend to challenge the stability of any professional and require of them to affirm or resist change. They will learn models of working through dissonance and finding a new stability. They will identify external and internal influences that impact their emerging worldview, personal and professional acculturation.

Discussion with participants will be based on morals, values, sources of power and influence in the acculturation process, and the ethics of providing value-sensitive care and due care to individuals and families struggling with opioid use disorder and other substance use disorders.


  1. Discuss how participants can use existing Codes of Ethics, including AAMFT, NBCC and NASW, to inform and reflect upon their personal worldview and professional acculturation
  2. Identify personal lenses that cause dissonance among professionals in their practice
  3. Recognize professional acculturation process through the ecology of substance use treatment and recovery support approaches
  4. Identify issues that threaten status quo of the helper, prompt resistance or create dissonance, and require them to find a new professional stability
  5. Learn and utilize models to apply in their professional development when facing contemporary ethical issues

Slides and Handouts:


Trans and Gender Variant, Identity Development and Adverse Childhood Experiences


Jacalyn Leake, MS, CCTP, CFTP

Jaimee Hartenstein, MS, PhD


This presentation explores the experiences of transgender, non-binary, and genderqueer individuals’ identity and the outcomes in relation to the adverse childhood experiences of abuse, neglect, and household dysfunctions like domestic violence using the lenses of intersectionality and minority stress. Archival research found in the published record is reviewed to explore the current literature relating to the trans and gender variant population, identity development, and adverse childhood experiences outcomes. The presentation discusses recent professional experiences relevant to the topic and future research needs.


  1. Define key concepts and terms surrounding trans and gender variant identities, the theories of minority stress and intersectionality, and adverse childhood experiences.
  2. Describe the current literature surrounding trans and gender variant individuals and adverse childhood experiences.
  3. Identify future academic research areas and needs.

Slides and Handouts:



The Role of Social Media in Suicide Risk Assessment


Anchana Dominic, MD


According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 800,000 people died in 2016 due to suicide. In this era of technological advances, social media’s role in suicide and suicide prevention has often been questioned. Highly publicized media reports of celebrity suicide and TV shows romanticizing the topic may also have effects on subsequent trends in suicide rates among the general population. Data suggests that social media may have a negative impact on mental health through cyber-bullying of vulnerable individuals and by promoting comparative feelings of inadequacy. However, harnessing the unique strengths of social media can contribute to the spread and reach of suicide prevention efforts among users.

Social media platforms can encourage suicide prevention by identifying individuals who are at acute risk of suicide, reaching them anonymously and providing them with resources. It can also spread mental health awareness of appropriate prevention efforts and treatment interventions.

In this presentation, the impact of social media on mental health and recent trends in suicide rates will be teased out. The assessment of suicidal risk by identifying specific tell signs of acute suicidal ideation as expressed through social media will be discussed. How to effectively use social media as a suicide intervention tool and promotion of mental health will also be discussed.


  1. Identify ways different social media platforms can be used to promote suicide prevention
  2. Discuss the link between media reports on suicide and subsequent trends in suicide rates
  3. Identify ways social media can identify, reach, or promote seeking treatment among individuals at risk of suicide

Slides and Handouts:


Methamphetamine Use Disorder: A Review of the Pharmacologic Treatment


Melissa Palmer, PharmD, BCPS, BCPP


Methamphetamine use disorder has no current FDA-approved medications for treatment, although it is an increasingly prevalent concern. In 2016, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that there were 684,000 people ages 12 and older with a methamphetamine use disorder. Data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported that treatment for methamphetamine use increased by 52% from 2012 to 2016. Several medications have been studied in an off-label manner, although the 2015 VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Substance Use Disorders has opined that there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the use of any pharmacologic agents for methamphetamine use. Medications that have been researched include disulfiram, topiramate, modafinil, bupropion, agonist replacement, and baclofen. Evidence supporting the use of these agents will be reviewed and discussed, including application to clinical care.


  1. Compare and contrast pharmacologic agents used in the treatment of methamphetamine use disorder.
  2. Identify patients who could benefit from medication therapy.
  3. Develop a patient-centered treatment plan considering patient-specific factors such as co-morbidities and socioeconomic parameters.

Slides and Handouts:

PALMER_Methamphetamine Use Disorder 5.6

Dominic, Anchana, MD

Dr. Anchana Dominic is originally from St. Louis, Missouri. She attended a combined program at University of Missouri-Kansas City where she earned a Bachelors in Liberal Arts and her medical degree. She is currently a psychiatry resident at MU HealthCare and works at Missouri Psychiatric Center in Columbia, Missouri. Dr. Dominic’s interests are in forensic psychiatry and addiction medicine. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, running, and spending time with her friends and family. 


The Role of Social Media in Suicide Risk Assessment 



Autism and Mental Health


Beth Orns, MSW, LCSW


This presentation will look at autism and the mental health issues that most commonly occur with autism.  We will look at what these issues look like using diagnostic criteria as well as real case examples. Participants will learn about evidence based approaches to treating individuals with co-occurring autism and mental health issues.  Participants will also learn about resources and techniques that they can incorporate in any setting to support clients who are neuro-diverse.  


  1. Define the diagnostic criteria of autism

  2. Define the diagnostic criteria of mental health issues that commonly co-occur with autism

  3. Understand ways to support clients who have co-occurring issues in the community and in an inpatient setting

  4. Understand evidence based treatment approaches for treating mental health issues that co-occur with autism

Slides and Handouts:

ORNS_BETH_Autism and Mental Health for SI_FINAL

Hartenstein, Jaimee, MS, PhD

Jaimee L. Hartenstein is an assistant professor in Child and Family Development at the University of Central Missouri. She currently serves as both the undergraduate and graduate program coordinator. She is a Certified Family Life Educator. Hartenstein received her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Ecology and Mass Communications and her Master’s and Ph.D in Family Studies from Kansas State University. Her primary research interest is divorce and child custody.  


Trans and Gender Variant, Identity Development and Adverse Childhood Experiences



Palmer, Melissa, PharmD, BCPS, BCPP

Melissa C. Palmer, PharmD, BCPS, BCPP, is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas (UMKC) City School of Pharmacy. Dr. Palmer received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from UMKC School of Pharmacy. She completed a PGY-1 residency followed by a PGY-2 psychiatry residency at the Chillicothe VA Medical Center in Chillicothe, Ohio. Dr. Palmer’s practice site is at North Kansas City Hospital (NKCH) in North Kansas City, Missouri, where she functions as the psychiatric pharmacist on a psychiatric consult liaison team. She treats a myriad of psychiatric conditions and substance use disorders. Research interests include student wellness, patient communication strategies, substance use disorders, and developmental disability. 


Methamphetamine Use Disorder: A Review of the Pharmacologic Treatment