Keynote: Tracking Our Destiny With Stories

Room Paradise Ballroom A



Long before GPS, there was a guidance system for our souls that tracked the heart’s path through unseen lands. Such guidance is mostly hidden now, like antiques in the attics of our minds. But when the right one is held it can be like a magic lamp shining just for you in the darkness. That guidance is found in stories—fairy tales, myths and such–especially the ones that fit the time, place and purpose we are navigating. The presenter has chosen a dozen brief stories relevant for our uncertain times that might light the path for clients, young and old. We will explore how to unpack the themes or archetypes of stories for sharing the right one at the right time.


  • Utilize short stories relevant to uncertain times to provide guidance
  • Unpack the themes or archetypes of stories for sharing the right one at the right time
  • Discuss how stories may be relevant to navigating real life situations

Keynote: A Spectrum of Clinical and Practical Applications Derived from Behavior Analysis

Paradise Ballroom AB



Friman, Patrick, PhD


The core idea of behavior analysis is revolutionary in that attributes the source or cause of problem behavior not to the misbehaving person him or herself but to what has happened to that person over the course of their life up to the exhibition of the behavior. This is one of the most powerful idea ever invented by mankind for understanding, knowing, and dealing with human behavior, especially when it is a problem (because it seeks not to fix the blame but rather seeks to fix the problem instead). And virtually everything this idea touches improves. It has revolutionized approaches to habit disorders, incontinence, addictions, delinquency, and numerous other major concerns of our time. Still, the idea has only begun to be harnessed. Not only can it be used to improve the lives of clients in need, but it can also be used to improve the lives of their providers, and indeed the lives of all people. This talk will describe several options derived from behavior analysis the application of which could exert a powerful beneficial influence on everyday life.


1. Attendees will be able to describe the core idea of behavior analysis.

2. Attendees will be to describe a way to use emotion to enhance persuasion.

3. Attendees will learn ways to enhance motivating consequences

4. Attendees will be able to describe a way to use choice to reduce inappropriate responses to aversive circumstances

Friman, Patrick, PhD

Dr. Patrick C. Friman received his Ph.D. from the University of Kansas. He is the current Vice President of Behavioral Health at Boys Town and a Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Nebraska School of Medicine. He was formerly on the faculties of Johns Hopkins University, University of Pennsylvania, and Creighton University Schools of Medicine.  He was also formerly the Director of the Clinical Psychology Program at University of Nevada. He is a Fellow of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, in three divisions of the American Psychological Association, and of the American Board of Behavioral Psychology. He is the former Editor of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and former President of the Association for Behavior Analysis International. He has published more than 200 scientific articles and chapters and three books.  The majority of his scientific and clinical work is in Behavioral Pediatrics and Behavioral Medicine.  Dr. Friman’s work in behavioral pediatrics has concentrated on the gap between primary medical care for children on one side, and referral-based clinical child psychological and psychiatric care, on the other. A secondary focus is on adolescent behavior and development.  He also specializes in consultation regarding workplace issues such as motivation, dealing with difficult people, change, happiness and pathways to success. 


Keynote: A Spectrum of Clinical and Practical Applications Derived from Behavior Analysis 



Strabala, David, MSW, LCSW

David Strabala, LCSW, is currently a full-time counselor in the Clay County Juvenile Office, where he works with troubled youth and their families. He also teaches and tells stories part-time in various settings, including an innovative healing program for veterans and first-responders with PTSD. He tells ancient tales of heroes and tricksters while using a djembe drum to help listeners uncover meaning, depth and wholeness in their life stories. Prior work experience includes community mental health, EAPs, brain injury and mobile crisis.
Strabala is the director of an award-winning feature documentary, “What Is Synchronicity?” (2014), which explores the passages of meaningful coincidence through the views of artists, scientists, authors and others. He received his MSW from the University of Iowa and moved to the Kansas City area in 1993.


Tracking Our Destiny With Stories