Leeward 74-75
Scaccia, Jamie, PsyD
Wilson, Amy, PsyD
Self-care. Did you flinch? Did you roll your eyes? Self-Care has developed a bad reputation. With caregivers and professionals regularly overtaxed and under-resourced, self-care is like a weight at the bottom of a to-do list. Unfortunately, we remain stressed, anxious, depressed, and burnt out as a result.
Instead of spa days, let us start thinking about self-care as a dose of medicine. Each spoon full is a few minutes of recharging time that adds up to a healthy treatment of our minds, bodies, and relationships. We will use our time to explore what dosing means, how it can be understood within a clinical relationship, and how we may apply it to our own lives.
(Please note for this and our other presentation submission, slides do not include those that are copyrighted and will be more thorough for presentation. Copyrighted slides will be used with permission from author.)
1. Define “dosing” within the context of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (Dr. Bruce Perry).
2. Identify what makes self-care hard to follow through on, despite knowing its value and relationship to secondary trauma and burn out.
3. Practice dosing self-care and outline how it may be implemented in their lives and lives of their clients.
Sccaccia Wilson Handout