Battlemind, Understanding PTSD in Combat Veterans


Brian Ouellette, MA and Stephanie Starkey, MA, LPC, CCTP

Presentation: Battlemind examines the impact of deployments on veterans, including how it can affect their relationships. It looks at relationship dynamics associated with multiple deployments, as well as how PTSD symptoms can develop. The last part of this presentation involves showing a film called Now After, done by an Iraq Veteran who was a film student at the University of Southern California at the time.  During the last part of this presentation, we focus on tips of what not to say or do to a veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Also discussed are Vet Centers and how they can be utilized to assist veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or other readjustment issues.


  •  Review particular strategies to be used in support of military personnel and their families
  • Summarize trauma and substance abuse issues as well as how co-occurring disorders may be present in military veterans
  • Describe therapeutic approaches that are currently used by the Veterans Administration to meet the behavioral health needs of their clients










When the Professional Experiences Trauma


Stephanie Mobley, MSW, LCSW

Presentation: As professionals, we have been trained on how to help others through traumatic situations by using multiple techniques; but how do we ourselves fair in dealing with our personal trauma? Are we as professionals able to apply the same techniques in coping, or do we fail ourselves?  Right now, there is a big push in being trauma sensitive.  Ultimately, we must cope with trauma or we will be at a loss to help our clients.  We experience trauma whether through our work environment or personal lives.  Learn how to let go of your own trauma and pick up the pieces to move on.


  • Develop a specific trauma coping plan in order to deal with trauma
  • Explain how to practice self-care and self-advocacy
  • Discuss how to work with clients who have trauma when you have experienced trauma


Mobley_Stephanie_When the Professional Experiences Trauma







The Re-Examination of Psychopathy and Antisocial Personality Disorder


Mark Moore, MA, LPC, NCC and Rachel Colwick, MA, LPC, NCC

Presentation: The presentation will consist of a contemporary review of the literature involving psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder, along with their relationships to substance abuse and sexually violent predators. Further, the similarities and differences between psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder will be discussed; as well as, what is considered best practice in terms of clinical interventions or strategies for working with these populations. Specifically, but not limited to, the presentation will address the challenges professionals might face in working with these populations in variety of settings such as clinical outpatient or inpatient, prisons, hospitals, and other medical facilities, to name a few.


  • Interpret the differences and commonalities between psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder
  • Recognize the prevalence among different populations (i.e. sexual offenders, non-sexual offenders, and substance abuse) within a variety of professional settings
  • Explain what is considered best practice regarding clinical strategies or interventions in working with these populations
  • Define the common countertransference reactions professionals will face and the skills to manage them







Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Identification, Treatment and Prevention


Christopher Maglio, PhD

Presentation: Anxiety and anxiety-related disorders are being diagnosed in children and adolescents at alarming rates and at earlier and earlier ages. Unfortunately, anxiety is all too often not diagnosed or misdiagnosed in children and adolescents due to the differing symptoms or characteristics of childhood/adolescent anxiety and anxiety in adults. This presentation will begin by focusing on differentiating between childhood/adolescent anxiety and anxiety in adults to assure an accurate diagnosis. A variety of individual and family treatments/interventions and techniques will be addressed and explored in regard to different types of anxiety experienced by children/adolescents as well as anxiety associated with different locations/environments. Methods for the prevention or/or minimization of anxiety in children/adolescents will be addressed as will various explanations for why anxiety is being seen in younger and younger children. Numerous case studies and examples will be utilized throughout the presentation and a list of resources will be provided.  Participants will be encouraged to share their experience and expertise in regard to this area.


  • Provide a clear and concise description of childhood/adolescent anxiety that differentiates it from adult anxiety.
  • Describe interventions that can be implemented at school, at home, and in public that have been shown to decrease anxiety and that are appropriate based on child’s/adolescent’s reports.
  • Describe prevention strategies that have been implemented in public, at home, and at school that have been shown to minimize anxiety in children/adolescent


Maglio_MIMH 2017 Spring Training Conference Presentation-Anxiety Maglio







Is Anybody Really Listening!?!


Jeremy Lotz, MA, LPC

Presentation: Across professions, workers spend more time listening than reading, writing & speaking combined. BUT, the average untrained worker forgets more than 50% of what’s heard within 24 hours.  Come discover why 60%+ of Fortune 500 companies offer formal listening training to employees. In this high energy & interactive seminar you’ll learn 6 Strategies of Effective Listening, 5 Barriers to Effective Listening and you’ll be able to take your work with domestic and sexual survivors to the next level!


  • Discuss field research verifying need for active listening especially in today’s technology-driven culture.
  • Present, explore and review active listening terminology.
  • Explore the eight guidelines for Effective Listening in small groups.
  • Present the 6 Strategies for Effective Listening.
  • Discuss and explore how these can be applied in the participants’ workplaces.
  • Present the 5 Barriers to Active Listening.
  • Complete a self-assessment about how well (on a scale of 1-10) you currently demonstrate the Guidelines of Effective Listening. If desired, facilitator will mail a follow-up self-assessment to a participant-provided work address in 90 days.









Emotion Regulation in Mental Health Treatment: Where are we going as a profession?


Ryan Lindsay, MSW, LCSW

Emotion Regulation is currently trending in many circles as it relates to mental health treatment.  However, what is really meant by this term?  What does it really mean?  How does it relate to treatment?  This presentation will answer these questions regarding the role of emotion regulation in mental health treatment and its influence on treatment of emotional disorders.  Additionally, audience members will walk away with an understanding of the definition of “emotion regulation”, how emotion regulation is influenced through interventions, and ideas of how to change one’s practice.

IPS Supported Education for Youth: Breakout Group


Sarah Swanson, LSW, CRC

Currently, there is little training to help practitioners prepare to provide supported education services.  This presentation will focus on how staff can prepare to provide these services. The presenter will also describe how different programs in the U.S. provide supports to high school students, help people learn about different careers and develop career plans, and how they help people engage in certification and college programs.

Dynamics of Breathing for Stress Reduction


Colleen Loehr, MD

This workshop will include breathing and mindful movement exercises to reduce stress. The workshop will include Coherent Breathing exercise to increase heart rate variability and overall wellbeing. Highlights of research studies about the benefits of qigong, mindfulness, and pranayama (breathing exercises) will be reviewed. Participants will be able to practice the exercises to help reduce stress and ‘burn out.’ Participants will also be able to teach these beneficial practices to clients. Information about resources for ongoing practice will be provided. The presenter will also describe experiences teaching these exercises to mental health patients at Fulton State Hospital.

Slides in PDF format

Medication Assisted Treatment-Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction (MAT-PDOA) Grant


Mark Shields, MEd, LPC

Tim Rudder, BSW

Tara Crawford, MA

Missouri’s Medication Assisted Treatment-Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction (MAT-PDOA) grant. The purpose of this grant is to increase capacity and provide accessible, effective, comprehensive, coordinated/integrated, and evidence-based medication assisted treatment (MAT) and other recovery support services to individuals with opioid use disorders seeking or receiving MAT. Goals of the grant are to: 1) increase the number of individuals receiving MAT services with pharmacotherapies approved by the FDA for the treatment of opioid use disorders; 2) increase the number of individuals receiving integrated care; and 3) decrease illicit drug use at 6-months follow-up.

Shields MAT PDOA STI 2016.05.05 – Slides in PDF format