Emergency Room Enhancement Unique Urban & Rural Services


Sally Haywood, MPA

Nichole Salmons, MSW, LCSW

Ashley Mooring, MSW, LMSW

The Emergency Room Enhancement program was initiated by DMH to develop models of effective interventions for people with behavioral health crisis, focusing on individuals who are frequent users of hospital services. The program creates paths to the Community Mental Health Centers and Substance Use Providers for needed care, rather than to the Emergency Departments where they are stabilized and released, often to return again. The DMH recognized the differing needs in each region, allowing the Administrative Agents to build a collaborative that would best meet the needs of their communities. The challenges and strategies specific to building collaboratives in rural vs. urban areas, as well as creative outreach to vulnerable clients, will be presented by providers from the CMHCs.

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No Talking, No Problem: Implementing Experiential Treatment for Children with Complex Trauma


Amanda Gregory, LPC, NCC


  • Identify children that have experienced complex trauma
  • Learn how complex trauma impacts brain development
  • Discover how children can benefit from experiential treatment
  • Learn a variety of specific simple experiential interventions to utilize with children with complex trauma.
  • Review four case studies of children with complex trauma who received experiential treatment.



Stigma: Its Impact on the Returning Veteran


Nathaniel Whiters, MS, LCMFT

Mark Johnson, MS

Lloyd Adams

Stigma: Its Impact on the Returning Veteran will have a Veteran’s personal experience, short videos and a power point presentation.


  • Understand the particular strategies used in the support of military personnel, persons experiencing trauma.
  • Understand Readjustment Counseling Services and its role in reintegrating Veterans back into society.
  • Understand experiences of combat and MST Veterans and their special needs for reintegration.
  • Understand the stigma associated with Veterans returning from combat.

Whiters Stigma Its Impact on the Veteran1D – Slides in PDF format

Impact of early life stress on brain structure and function


Rob Paul, PhD

The presentation will review the frequency of early life stress (adverse life events prior to age 18) among individuals from the general community and the impact of these experiences on brain integrity. Specific attention will be directed at dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) and the impact of HPA activity on systemic immune activation and the brain. Data will be presented that demonstrate an impact of ELS on brain structures that regulate emotion, and the impact of ELS on brain white matter microstructure. Variables that moderate the negative impact of ELS on brain integrity will be reviewed including age of onset, genetic predispositions, and environmental support. Treatment opportunities will be reviewed and key variables associated with long-term resiliency will be highlighted.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn the biological foundation that links early life stress to suboptimal brain integrity.
2. Identify the brain networks impacted by early life stress, and the behavioral correlates related to these neurological alterations.
3. Learn the demographic and environmental factors that moderate outcomes and support resiliency

Slides in PDF format

Team Building in the Clinical Setting


Kathy Revell, RN

Roger Revell, MBA

Team building has come in many forms since the 1920s when early studies showed that increased worker interaction brought a sense of group identity, and increased social support and cohesion. In mental health treatment settings much of the work is structured around “a team approach” to patient care. Very few agencies and organizations get to create teams from the get-go (“team building”), so this session provides practical theory and approaches to assist in team development and to increase productive teamwork which is so vital in our current clinical work environments.

Revell – Slides in PDF format

Living a Meaningful Life with Serious Mental Illness: Defining and Understanding Personal Medicine


Tami Radohl Sigley, PhD

Personal Medicine (PM) is a concept derived from the mental health recovery literature (Deegan, 2007). Based on a recent qualitative study (Radohl, 2015, pending), the definition of PM has been expanded to “activities and self-care behaviors outside of pill medication that help one handle their mental health symptoms and feel good about themselves.” This presentation explores how PM helps mental health consumers with maintaining a “meaningful life.” Findings, consumer narratives, and practice implications are discussed using lecture and group application activities.

Radohl MIMH_Powerpoint_PM_June2016 – Slides in PDF format

Behavioral Health Consulting in Primary Care Clinics


Terri Cooley-Bennett, LCSW, LSCSW, CCDP-D

Mental Health Professionals are increasingly becoming key members of interdisciplinary teams in healthcare settings. Studies on integrated care: integrating mental health and primary care systems (APA, 2012) are fairly new. According to the American Psychological Association (2012), “The U.S. health care system typically regards the Primary Care Physician (PCP) as the first point of contact for a client who is accessing medical services of any kind, whether the need is for basic health, mental health, or substance abuse treatment.” This article also found that 70-85 % of visits to the primary care clinic are due to psychosocial and behavioral causes (as cited by Gatchel & Oordt, 2003; Kroenke & Mangelsdorf, 1989). Clients are using their medical provider to not only meet needs for health, but for mental health and substance abuse as well. A Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) is available in some healthcare settings/clinics and the trend is growing to have mental health professionals available in primary care. How do mental health professionals work alongside medical professionals? What types of interventions are needed from the mental heath professional in the primary care setting? How do client’s respond to a BHC who is introduced to them by their medical provider? This workshop will examine behavioral health interventions that are the most effective in primary care.

Life, Canaries and Suicide Prevention: The Power of Leaders Sharing Lived Experience


Bart Andrews, PhD

Many behavioral health professionals have lived experience with suicide, addiction and mental illness. The behavioral health and suicide prevention field has varying degrees of acceptance of open discussion of providers’ own experiences around suicide and behavioral health history. Some studies report lived experience is a motivating factor to enter the helping professions, that mental health professionals experience significantly higher rates of mood disorders, substance use disorders and suicide attempts BUT most providers do not feel safe discussing this, fearing prejudice, discrimination and rejection. In fact, the amount of research on prevalence of mental illness in providers is … well, surprisingly thin. Dr. Andrews will review some of the literature base on prevalence of lived experience- the results are surprising. One study showed up to 19% of doctors level graduate students reported past experience with suicide thoughts. The lack of research around the prevalence of mental illness and suicide experience is an indication of taboo strength. We expect the persons we are serving to freely disclose their own fight with mental illness, suicide and substance use and yet are reluctant to publicly share our own experience. There are leaders in our field, including Cheryl Sharp with the National Council and Dr. Marsha Linehan who have freely disclosed their lived experience. These courageous women had an impact on me and laid the ground work for me to tell my own story of lived experience. Dr. Andrews will tell his story of suicide and recovery and how he decided to share his experience with colleagues and other professionals. He will provide examples of challenges he experienced early in recovery, the impact of low acceptance among professionals and the process of re-telling his story after he had achieved professional success. He will review current challenges involved in our reliance on the word “stigma” and need to create a more specific and intentional language around prejudice against persons with lived experience and a renewed emphasis on positive and person centered language. He will also discuss the power of leaders stepping forward to share their lived experience. Yes, we need more research on how to prevent suicide. We also need to change the culture around how we provide suicide prevention services, and that has to start with us. There is an “us-them” dynamic at play in our current suicide prevention efforts, and it is holding us back. There are even leaders in our field who openly discount the role of lived experience in learning more and improving our suicide prevention efforts. It is time for this to change. Leaders with lived experience must be canaries, we must tell our story in the fresh air, so others, our peers, our team members and our clients can see that we walk the walk and just don’t talk the talk. Not only will this change our culture, it will save lives.

Slides in PDF Format

Prevalence of Neurodevelopmental Disorders associated with Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol (ND-PAE)


Carl C. Bell, MD

Dr. Bell will highlight a mental health silent epidemic occurring in the US. Using original research, he will explicate the prevalence of Neurodevelopmental Disorders associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and discuss the interview techniques to uncover this disorder. He will describe how his research in Chicago revealed of 611 patients (ages 4-78; 95% on Public Assistance for medical care) that were seen, 297/611 (49%) evidenced Neurodevelopmental Disorders dating back to childhood, including 237/611 (39%) who specifically reported symptoms and histories consistent with Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated with Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol (ND-PAE). Finally, Dr. Bell will suggest the prenatal and postnatal, biotechnical strategy of giving adults Choline 500mg, Folate 400 mcg, and Omega-3 500mg twice a day, and Vitamin A 2,000 IU daily.

Bell 6-3-16 NDA-PAE Missouri – Slides in PDF format