Keynote: Unbreaking Broken Trust – a Holistic Approach to Trauma Healing and Prevention.

Paradise Ballroom ABC


Speaker(s): LJ Punch, MD


Power4STL is the home of The Bullet Related Injury Clinic and The T, a holistic harm reduction program. During this presentation, founder and executive director, Dr. LJ Punch, will share the Power4STL theory of trauma and approach to holistic healing care. This includes a narrative shifting approach to the impact of bullets and needles in the lives of communities experiencing acute and chronic violence.


  • Identify the unique impact of community violence
  • Define Bullet Related Injury
  • Acknowledge symptoms of broken trust
  • Identify opportunities to create a healing environment for those experiencing community violence

Punch, LJ, MD

Dr. LJ Punch is a trauma surgeon, aspiring healer, and founder of Power4STL, a community of health working to reduce the impact of trauma in the St. Louis region. This includes the work of The Bullet Related Injury Clinic (BRIC) and The T, a holistic harm reduction program with a focus on overdose risk, both centering the experience of Black masculine bodied people because #BlackPainMaters.


Keynote: Unbreaking Broken Trust – a Holistic Approach to Trauma Healing and Prevention

Are U OK? – An Anti-Stigma Campaign and Healing Sensory Experience

Arbo, Susie

A South Dakota State University Graduate, in 2005 Susie Arbo received her Masters of Science in Counseling and Human Resource Development. Susie is a Licensed Professional Counselor and is also a Certified Reciprocal Alcohol & Drug Counselor.  Previously working as a school counselor, a drug court counselor, and a community mental health therapist, Susie Arbo now owns and operates a large group private practice, Country Crossroads Counseling, LLC, where she enjoys helping children, teenagers, and adults work through their issues to live a positive and productive life. One unique part of her practice is that it is located in a horse barn in the country near Kingsville, MO. She often uses animals and nature as part of her therapeutic approach. 

An experienced speaker, Susie Arbo enjoys encouraging people to help them achieve their life goals. She is passionate about getting the word out about mental health to the masses. Mrs. Arbo has spoken to thousands of people at schools, businesses, and conferences across the country. 

Susie has spent a lifetime in and out of the saddle around horses, competing at the national level.   A proud KC Chiefs fan, Susie has spent 13 seasons cheering on the KC Chiefs as a cheerleader and by riding the horse Warpaint at home games and appearances.  

In her personal life, Susie enjoys spending time with her family and friends, going to the lake, riding and showing horses and is a BIG Kansas City Chiefs fan.


Keynote: Living Your Best Life: Elevate Your Professional and Personal Well-being!

Keynote: Living Your Best Life: Elevate Your Professional and Personal Well-being!

Paradise Ballroom ABC


Speaker(s): Susie Arbo


“Living Your Best Life!” is an energizing and motivating presentation, focusing on how to be the best version of yourself you can be. Whether you work in community mental health, a substance abuse field, a school, private practice, a prison, or a hospital setting, “Living Your Best Life” is designed to help even the most seasoned clinicians and administration professionals continue to learn to care for themselves mentally and emotionally and find joy in their career.  

This motivating session will focus on self care, time management skills, stress reduction, and learning to find a balance between your work and home life.  With the demand being so high since the pandemic in mental health professions, we don’t want to see our fellow colleges burnout.   This presentation will give attendees valuable tools they can use immediately in their professional and personal life, which in turn, not only helps themselves, but also benefits the people they live and work with.  This is an empowering presentation that will inspire mental health professionals to feel positive about their life and rekindle and enhance their passion for this caring profession. 


  • After participating in the session, attendees will have learned 10 self care strategies.  
  • After participating in this session, attendees will learn 5 coping strategies to manage stress and their time effectively.  
  • After participating in this session, attendees will learn 5 techniques to help them identify balance between personal and their professional life. 

Dual Diagnosis and the Mental Health Parity Problem: Weaving High-Quality Medical, Psychiatric, and Developmental Support into Better Care for Patients and New Standards for Health Systems

Paradise Ballroom ABC



Constantino, John, MD


Some of the most chronic and treatment-resistant syndromes of mental health impairment arise when developmental disability and psychiatric disability occur together, so-called “dual diagnosis”. Interventions that are commonly implemented in the developmental disabilities service sector (e.g., functional communication training and positive behavioral support planning) are capable of mitigating severe behavioral impairment, yet rarely invoked when dual diagnosis patients are seen in the psychiatric service sector. Conversely, state-of-the-art interventions for traumatic stress, pharmacotherapy, and psychotherapy have proven capable of improving behavioral impairments in IDD but are typically restricted to the psychiatric service sector, where there exist significant barriers to access for patients with IDD, including limitations imposed by diagnostic eligibility and practitioner experience. Bridging these gaps in knowledge and clinical capacity across the respective IDD and PS service sectors should be of very high priority in strategizing the care and support of IDD patients with serious co-occurring psychiatric conditions, and will be an important step in fulfilling federal mental health parity legislation.


  • To describe common pathways to unnecessary complications in adaptation among individuals with developmental disability
  • To describe advances in treatment for joint behavioral and developmental disability
  • To clarify endpoints of mental health parity, i.e. the extent to which medically-necessary behavioral health services are being delivered on a par with medical services within health systems.

Constantino – Dual Diagnosis and MH Parity Constantino 2023v2.0


Addiction Recovery Support Services: Rationale and Science

Paradise Ballroom ABC



Kelly, John, PhD, ABPP


During the past 50 years in the United States we have learned a great deal about the causes, prevalence, clinical course, and impact of alcohol and other drug use disorders, including that these disorders tend to have a long course and even when individuals achieve initial remission, risk for recurrence of the disorder can remain elevated for several years. As a result of this recognition of susceptibility to relapse over the initial years in remission, a variety of community based long-term recovery support service structures have started and grown in order to help individuals manage the considerable stressors that must be managed in the early phases of recovery. This presentation will provide brief contextual overview of what has been learned during the past 50 years of addiction science which has led to the emergence and growth of new models of extended recovery support services that are demonstrating effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in facilitating long-term remission and stable recovery.


1. Name two major biobehavioral factors that undermine addiction recovery attempts;
2. Describe three empirically-supported recovery supports services shown to enhance remission rates and its duration
3. Understand the concept and value of recovery capital in the remission process

Constantino, John, MD

Dr. John Constantino is a board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of behavioral and mental health conditions of children and adolescents. Dr. Constantino received his medical education at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and completed a five-year combined residency in Pediatrics, General Psychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.


Dual Diagnosis and the Mental Health Parity Problem: Weaving High-Quality Medical, Psychiatric, and Developmental Support into Better Care for Patients and New Standards for Health Systems


Kelly, John, PhD, ABPP

Dr. Kelly is the Elizabeth R. Spallin Professor of Psychiatry in Addiction Medicine at Harvard Medical School – the first endowed professor in addiction medicine at Harvard. He is also the Founder and Director of the Recovery Research Institute at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the Associate Director of the Center for Addiction Medicine (CAM) at MGH, and the Program Director of the Addiction Recovery Management Service (ARMS). Dr. Kelly is a former President of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Society of Addiction Psychology, and is a Fellow of the APA and a Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology. He has served as a consultant to U.S. federal agencies and non-federal institutions, as well as foreign governments and the United Nations. Dr. Kelly has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles, reviews, chapters, and books in the field of addiction medicine, and was an author on the U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. His clinical and research work has focused on addiction treatment and the recovery process, mechanisms of behavior change, and reducing stigma and discrimination among individuals suffering from addiction.


Addiction Recovery Support Services: Rationale and Science