
Christopher La Tourette La Riche, MD

Presentation: Early life trauma can cause long-term, lasting changes to the brain and brain chemistry which can be measured and imaged, even decades after the childhood events. The presence of childhood trauma can increase later-life vulnerability to addiction and mood disorders. It also appears to influence which treatments are most effective. Taking a careful trauma history in children and adults is essential for any counselor or health care provider. Join Dr. La Riche for this “breathtaking” look at the effects of trauma that past audiences have called “One of the best and most helpful seminars I’ve ever experienced.”


  • Attendees will be able to name the 3 basic elements of the neuro-endocrine stress system altered in early life trauma that can affect mood, anxiety and addiction
  • Attendees will be able to explain a simple teaching model of the neurobiology of addiction to clients and their families
  • Attendees will learn be able to name and briefly explain at least 3 early life events that have correlated with later life mood and addictive disorders

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Child Father Man La Riche STI Missouri June 2018 to PDF.pptx