Presentation: This program demonstrates the healing value of ancient hero’s journey tales, especially for veterans and first-responders with PTSD. Hero tales are common in movies, such as in Star Wars or The Matrix, but certain fairy tales can offer a more personal and private integration of psychological material that runs deep and broad. The presenter has used an African djembe drum the last 20 years to tell such stories to troubled teens and for the last two years to adult warriors in week-long retreats. Specific stories used with warriors will be told to allow participants to experience and discuss their own reflections and to consider sharing stories with clients. Much focus will be on holistic and archetypal patterns in our life stories.
- Describe the unique features of storytelling that offer healing/integration to clients
- Discuss how stories can elicit insight or self-diagnosis of patterns inside you or your clients
- Define the main features or turning points in the “hero’s journey” or initiation