Children who have been adopted face unique challenges. These challenges range from overcoming early life trauma to identity formation and logistical challenges regarding health history. Children adopted and brought to the United States from foreign countries can face even greater identity challenges and unanswered questions. Special considerations need to be given when treating a child of adoption. The child’s history of developmental trauma and early environment need to be considered when developing a framework, a treatment modality and/or a diagnosis. Identity development is an important stage of growth for all individuals. Children of adoption face these identity challenges, but with an added layer of uncertainty. This presentation will educate providers on the unique challenges faced by children of adoption, as well as provide a culturally competent lens through which to provide treatment.
- Identify how trauma symptoms can mimic those of other psychiatric diagnoses
- Identify the unique challenges faced by children who have been adopted
- Describe the challenges that children adopted from other cultures can face
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