Kristin Sohl, MD, FAAP is a Professor of Clinical Child Health at the University of Missouri, Founder and Executive Director of ECHO Autism Communities. She is a pediatrician with extensive experience in medical diagnosis, evaluation, and longitudinal support of people on the autism spectrum and with other developmental/behavioral disorders. ECHO Autism Communities is viewed as the leading model in expanding equitable access to best practice screening, evaluation, diagnosis, and longitudinal support for autistic people particularly in underserved and rural populations. ECHO Autism Communities partners with children’s hospitals and autism centers in more than 50 locations in the United States and 30 international locations. These partnerships establish a large consortium of academic and community professionals defining and shaping the landscape of autism and disability services and research. Dr. Sohl is a tireless advocate for children and enjoys engaging other physicians and professionals in being a voice for children’s health. She is the Immediate Past President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Missouri Chapter and the chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Autism Subcommittee within the Council on Children with Disabilities. She also serves as the Medical Director for MU Missouri Telehealth Network and the MU Office of Continuing Education for Health Professions. She completed medical school and pediatric residency at the University of Missouri.


Autism Spectrum Disorder: Developing a Deeper Understanding