Presentation: This presentation is designed to provide working knowledge of the unique needs, and various disparities, affecting the LGBT community when seeking healthcare, both physical and mental. Transgender individuals have differing needs, and face differing barriers, than do lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals. This is delineated within the presentation, with time spent focused on both. Some of the topics addressed include: terminology and its ever-changing landscape; specific disparities, both physical and mental, experienced by transgender and LGB individuals; the difference between being “LGBT friendly” and “LGBT affirming”, and what it means, exactly, to be affirming; how to create an affirming practice; how to broach, and talk about, the topics of sexual and gender identity, and further, why that is important; as well as challenging participants to examine and reconsider some of their own assumptions and biases, maybe even assumptions they may hold about themselves. The presentation is intended to be between 45-60 minutes, with time for discussion and Q & A afterwards.
- Gain a better and working understanding of the unique needs and challenges facing the LGBT population when attempting to access healthcare of any kind.
- Understand what being transgender means, including differentiating it from sex, gender and sexual orientation.
- Gain tips for speaking to patients and clients about sexual orientation, gender identity, and describe why it is important to do so.