Dr. Elizabeth Sale is the Director of Evaluation and a research associate professor at the Missouri Institute of Mental Health at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. Dr. Sale has over 25 years of experience in the field of survey and evaluation research, with a particular focus on the evaluation of suicide prevention and substance use prevention programs. She has been the lead evaluator for several SAMHSA-funded suicide prevention initiatives, including programs for youth and adults in school and hospital settings. Currently, she is directing the evaluation of the Missouri Foundation for Health-funded Safer Homes Collaborative that focuses on suicide prevention education and training for the gun-owning community. She has published in several peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, the Community Mental Health Journal, the American Journal of Community Psychology, and the American Journal on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. She is currently a member of the Missouri Suicide Prevention Network and the St. Louis Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition.


Effectiveness of a Suicide Prevention Follow-up Program Linking Hospitals and Mental Health Care Providers in St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri