Room Paradise Ballroom A
The medical model approach to treating addictions has been utilized since Substance Use Disorders were identified as Disease processes and therefore require medical approaches and interventions.
This program aims to offer an alternative to our traditional approaches to treating addictions and will cover many new approaches and well-known but less utilized interventions. There is a need to individualize treatment for each Substance Use Disorder and addictive behavior and not rely on just the traditional approaches.
This program does not aim to minimize or discount the benefits of traditional approaches but will offer a shift in paradigms as to how we see addictions and explore new approaches and models.
The value of connection and social recovery will be emphasized, and alternative approaches and methods will be featured. Many in recovery continue to feel disconnected and want more than traditional approaches have offered.
This program will equip the clinician treating Substance Use Disorders and addictive behaviors with new approaches and tools and techniques that will insure better outcomes and prognosis for long term recovery.
- Examine the traditional approaches utilized today in treatment
- Discuss reasons as to why traditional approaches can only go so far in a person’s recovery
- Explore the power of connection and vulnerability
- Examine new approaches and models
- Address barriers to recovery and connection
- Provide strategies to work through shame “shields”
- Provide a treatment plan and roadmap to customize with your client
- Utilize a template to procide a proactive relapse model
- Provide treatmetn plan that incorporates teaching worthiness and belonging
- Develop more effective and realistic approaches to offer client