
Julie Batson, LCSW

Anthony Norris

Presentation: This presentation focuses on PTSD and how it affects not only the individual but the neurochemistry of the brain and developing a model and vision of Post Traumatic Growth. Discussion of best practices in trauma focused therapy, what works, what doesn’t, what the research shows us. The presentation gives the definition of PTSD and how it can evolve into a definition of an “injury” that leads to immense growth, resiliency, purpose and meaning for the client, which will primarily define Post Traumatic Growth. Many examples will be highlighted from the presenters professional and personal experience, as well as more detailed explanations of specific evidence-based treatments and how they work. The presentation will include how trauma can be transformative, lead to immense personal growth. How the essential tools for growth and on “changing the narrative” of the experience assist the client in their healing journey.


  1. Define PTSD in context of Combat Veterans experience
  2. Identify trauma as a source of growth and transformation
  3. Describe the unique relationship of the trauma relationship and Veteran with PTSD
  4. Define Evidence Based therapies in the treatment of PTSD and why these work
  5. Describe how trauma effects the brain, and why knowing this is crucial for best practices in treatment of trauma.
  6. Expand knowledge and skills of trauma informed practice.