Dr. Bell will highlight a mental health silent epidemic occurring in the US. Using original research, he will explicate the prevalence of Neurodevelopmental Disorders associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and discuss the interview techniques to uncover this disorder. He will describe how his research in Chicago revealed of 611 patients (ages 4-78; 95% on Public Assistance for medical care) that were seen, 297/611 (49%) evidenced Neurodevelopmental Disorders dating back to childhood, including 237/611 (39%) who specifically reported symptoms and histories consistent with Neurodevelopmental Disorder Associated with Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol (ND-PAE). Finally, Dr. Bell will suggest the prenatal and postnatal, biotechnical strategy of giving adults Choline 500mg, Folate 400 mcg, and Omega-3 500mg twice a day, and Vitamin A 2,000 IU daily.