Piney Ridge Center is an 102-bed psychiatric residential facility that has been specifically designed for girls and boys between the ages of 7 and 17 who are suffering from sexual behavior disorders. We’ve been serving as a beacon of light and a pillar to the families we focus upon, providing exceptional, empirically-validated treatment and support for children, teens, and their families using a multidisciplinary team of medical and mental healthcare professionals. Piney Ridge is a unique treatment center in that we treat only children and teens with problematic sexual behaviors made complex by the addition of mental illness. Treatment is designed to address both the sexual problems and mental health disorder as the primary disorder by using level-based programs that require our residents to take responsibility for the behavioral problems caused by mental illness in addition to the problematic sexual behaviors. Piney Ridge Treatment Center offers our children a highly-structured environment in which our residents learn and use healthy coping skills, behavioral management techniques, and relapse prevention tools designed to assist them as they slowly reintegrate back into the community following discharge from our center.