Anderson, Andy, M.A., LPC, KPMT
Many high-quality and effective training programs for parents of children with oppositional behavior are available in the marketplace. These parent training programs go by many names, such as Parent Management Training, Behavioral Parent Sills Training, or just Parent Training. Without exception, though, empirically informed parent training programs utilize parents as the primary implementer to change their child’s behavior—the therapist-trainer trains parents to train the child to behave in an age-appropriate, socially acceptable manner.
Whether delivered in a family therapy without patient setting or class format, numerous studies have found that parent training is an effective treatment for children and adolescents with ODD, CD, and non-clinical behavior problems. This presentation will provide participants with an overview of a Behavioral Parent Skills Training treatment for childhood oppositional behavior.
- Describe a rationale for treating childhood oppositional behavior with parent training.
- Identify the treatment phases of Behavioral Parent Skills Training Therapy.
- Name four contributing factors of childhood oppositional behavior.
- List strategies parents can use to build an authoritative positive parent-child relationship.