Brian Ouellette is a Readjustment Counselor with the Springfield Vet Center in Springfield Missouri. He received his Masters of Arts in Professional Counseling from Lindenwood University, St. Charles Missouri 2006. He has been with the Department of Veterans Affairs since January of 2007, where he began his career as an Addictions Therapist. In August of 2012 he transferred the the Springfield Illinois Vet Center. During that time he served as Mobile Vet Center Counselor, deploying to West Moore Oklahoma in 2013 to assist in providing counseling to tornado victims and veterans in the West Moore Oklahoma area. He transferred to the Greene County Vet Center in Springfield Missouri November of 2014. He also is a National Certified Counselor and a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor. In addition to this, he is a United States Marine Corps Veteran serving from 1988-1992, including being deployed in support of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.