
Apurva Bhatt, MD


In 2017, Missouri ranked 4th in the nation in death by firearm (CDC). In 2017, firearm related deaths were the second leading cause of death in Missouri children ages 1-17 (CDC). According to the Gifford Law Center in 2020, Missouri received a scorecard grade F in terms of its current firearm laws. In 2017, Missouri saw a near doubling of the rates of suicide by firearms in 15-24-year-olds (the highest rate reported since data collection began in 1999). In 2015, Missouri experienced the highest firearm homicide rate in 15-24 year olds since 1999. This presentation will zoom in on changes in Missouri firearm law which occurred from 1999-2018, discuss the existing scientific literature on the effects of changes in Missouri’s firearm laws on suicide/homicide by firearms, and will elaborate on Dr. Bhatt’s work in this area.


  1. Recall the timeline of changes in Missouri firearm policy
  2. Describe the current state of affairs regarding Missouri firearm law
  3. Review the scientific literature on the effects of Missouri’s firearm laws on suicide and homicide by firearms in the state
  4. Learn how firearm status impacts suicide by firearms/suicide risk
  5. Describe future preventive strategies to mitigate adolescent and young adult suicide by firearms in the state

Slides and Handouts:

BHATT_Spring Training Institute Bhatt slides