
Julia Peters, MSSW, LCSW

Presentation: The MPHI presentation will offer participants a chance to explore interventions to work with at-risk and vulnerable adolescent clients who are resistant to talk therapy but are interested in physical exercises (running, weight lifting, circuit training). This presentation will provide background information about neurobiology, how trauma impacts decision-making and the impact it can have during the adolescent-phase of brain development.  It will also discuss how to use this form of therapy in practice setting. MPHI incorporates high-energy exercises to discuss emotion identification, regulation and connecting with the body.  The MPHI presentation will also discuss how to use community providers, agency volunteers and other resources to provide a Life Skills component to the program to create a holistic experience for the participants to address issues around the mind and body.  By using research from yoga-based therapy, this program will explore how more intense exercise can benefit adolescents identify and connect with their mind and body. The MHPI model uses insights from Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, Dr. Edna Foa and Dr. Marsha Linehan.


  • Provide an overview of trauma and neurobiology
  • Review the impacts of chronic trauma, abuse and neglect on homeless adolescents
  • Discuss mental-physical health integration programming that focuses on emotional regulation, decision-making and choice.


Peters_Mental-Physical Health Integration (MPHI) Published