Mickie McDowell: Mickie McDowell has proven to be an expert in the field of recovery services and consumer operated programs. She currently works as the Peer Services Program Specialist for the Missouri Department of Mental Health where she advocates tirelessly for peer support services. She has been a Certified Missouri Peer Specialist since 2009 and is currently part of the training team for that program as well as the Family Support Provider program. Mickie is serving her second term as chair of the State Advisory Committee for Comprehensive Psychiatric Services. She is a consultant, trainer and highly sought after motivational speaker. Her lived experience with mental health issues and addiction has enabled her to use her recovery story to help others find hope and empowerment along their own journey of recovery. Mickie recently graduated from Columbia College with her B.A. in Human Services and plans to pursue a Masters in Social Work.

Certified Missouri Peer Specialists – “Yeah, but what do they DO?” An inside look at the CMPS trainers’ favorite peer support skills