At age 10, William witnessed the murders of his mother, Jacqueline and 12-year-old brother, Tony, in their family living room on July 2, 1984, by his mom’s ex-boyfriend. The killer died by suicide that day, but not before making William beg for his life at gunpoint.
In this presentation, William shares his personal and professional journey of healing. From experiencing multiple childhood traumas including child sexual abuse, domestic and gun violence, bullying, and other victimizations, William has emerged as a global advocate and respected authority on addressing violence and trauma throughout multiple systems and settings. His synergy with the audience is inspiring and motivating as he provides a practical trauma-sensitive healing-centered approach to supporting individuals, families, and communities impacted by violence and trauma.
- Identify key elements in healing after being impacted by childhood trauma.
- Use William’s story as a catalyst to continue the conversation on supporting children and families affected by violence and trauma in multiple systems and settings.
Slides and Handouts: