Kelli Kemna is the Housing Director for Missouri Department of Mental Health. Kelli administers Department of Mental Health’s Shelter Plus Care, Show Me Recovery Housing, VA GPD, Rental Assistance Program, PATH, SOAR and Housing Liaison projects throughout Missouri. These duties include providing technical assistance to housing centers to ensure grant compliance, fiscal management, working with coordinated entry systems to obtain referrals, writing policies and procedures for the implementation of the grants, writing policy for various Continuums of Care and advocating for equitable affordable housing options for those experiencing mental health or substance use issues. For the previous decade, Kelli ran the gamut of housing positions from supportive services to administration. The variety of experiences gives her a unique perspective on the homelessness and housing system. Her work is directed by the beliefs that everyone has the right to housing regardless of history or current circumstances and homelessness is a solvable problem through continuous improvement in housing choice. These core beliefs make her a great champion for housing first and finding creative strategies to the barriers faced in addressing homelessness and housing instability.