Paradise Ballroom B
This presentation will focus on the unique needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals seeking treatment for substance use. It will examine important considerations for success in recovery as well as which interventions are most effective for long-term sobriety. Those attending will be educated on updated terminology, current societal issues, and concerns regarding treatment that all contribute to the prevalence of addiction among this community. The presentation will be given from the perspective of someone who specializes in working with LGBTQIA+ clients and has been one. The hope is to increase awareness, improve inclusivity, shift treatment protocols, and demonstrate to providers how they can be more affirmative in the support they are offering. The presentation will also give tips and ideas for increasing involvement with advocacy and potentially increase the number of clients that reach out.
Define common terms important to know for working with the LGBTQIA+
Increase knowledge of changes occurring within & outside community
Identify the unique issues LGBTQIA+ individuals face which contribute to SUD
Describe the difference between inclusivity versus affirmation in treatment
Utilize suggestions in order to improve current practice for better outcomes