
Rob Paul, PhD

The presentation will review the frequency of early life stress (adverse life events prior to age 18) among individuals from the general community and the impact of these experiences on brain integrity. Specific attention will be directed at dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) and the impact of HPA activity on systemic immune activation and the brain. Data will be presented that demonstrate an impact of ELS on brain structures that regulate emotion, and the impact of ELS on brain white matter microstructure. Variables that moderate the negative impact of ELS on brain integrity will be reviewed including age of onset, genetic predispositions, and environmental support. Treatment opportunities will be reviewed and key variables associated with long-term resiliency will be highlighted.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn the biological foundation that links early life stress to suboptimal brain integrity.
2. Identify the brain networks impacted by early life stress, and the behavioral correlates related to these neurological alterations.
3. Learn the demographic and environmental factors that moderate outcomes and support resiliency

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