Once again Spring Training will be held at Margaritaville Resort.

Margaritaville Resort is located on State Road KK off of Highway 54 in Osage Beach, Missouri.

To find using your GPS unit, the address is 494 TanTarA Drive, Osage Beach, Missouri 65065. GPS coordinates are N 38˚7’43” W 92˚43’2.
If you would like to make a room reservation for Margaritaville, a block of rooms has been set aside at the rate of $138 per night plus taxes and resort fees until April 8, 2025, or until the block fills up.  After that date or if the block is full, the rate no longer applies.  

When calling, refer to MDMH to receive the special rate.  You may reach the hotel at 1-800-826-8272.  A credit card will be required to reserve your room.

You may also reserve a room at:  https://irm.margaritavilleresortlakeoftheozarks.com/irmng/index.html?g=MDMH

Several ways to contact the hotel:
Hotel direct – 573.348.3131
Main fax – 573.348.3206
Reservations – 1-800-826-8272