
Ken McManus, M.Ed., LPC

Jason Klaus, B.S.


In 2018, for the third year in a row, the national total of police officer deaths by suicide exceeded the number of officer deaths in the line of duty. While every such tragedy has its own story, there are patterns of toxicity unique in law enforcement careers that significantly contribute to the risks for relationship implosion, isolation, depression and suicide. Some law enforcement agencies are responding to these trends by providing officer wellness initiatives and supports; others are not. By either path, clinicians may find themselves confronted with law enforcement personnel, or their family members, seeking effective intervention in what may be the later stages of a mental health crisis. And, these individuals can be “treatment reluctant” as a function of their culture. This presentation will provide research-based insights into individual and organizational police culture and specific strategies clinicians can incorporate to increase the efficacy of their treatment efforts.


  1. Identify specific dynamics within police culture that increase risks for crisis
  2. Identify specific dynamics within police officer experience that enable despair and isolation
  3. Describe the neurology that underlies the intensity of officer experience, e.g. the hypervigilance rollercoaster, and increased risk for harm
  4. Identify strategies to enhance clinician effectiveness with this unique population

Slides and Handouts:

MCMANUS – Understanding Cop Culture May3rd