Karyn Harvey has worked as a clinician in the field of intellectual disabilities for over 35 years. She has her Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology from the University of Maryland. She has published articles about therapeutic interventions for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), workbooks for individuals with IDD, and two books. Her first book, Positive Identity Development was published in 2009 and Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions, published in 2011. Her third book, Trauma and Healing will be released in 2023 by AAIDD. She is the director of program development and training for the Park Ave Group practice where she does both individual and group therapy with people with intellectual disabilities. In addition, she regularly conducts trainings on trauma-informed support for people with IDD, trauma-informed leadership, and trauma-informed behavioral interventions for both state and individual organizations throughout the US and Canada.
Trauma-Informed Supports for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities – the Path to Healing