Dr. Jaimee L. Hartenstein is an associate professor in Child and Family Development at the University of Central Missouri. She currently serves as both the undergraduate and graduate coordinator. She is a Certified Family Life Educator. Dr. Hartenstein received her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Ecology and Mass Communications and her master’s and Ph.D. in Human Ecology with a specialization in Family Studies from Kansas State University. Prior to coming to UCM, Dr. Hartenstein taught at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois. Dr. Hartenstein serves as the faculty advisor for the graduate student organization, Central’s Council of Human Development and Family Science. Her primary research interest is divorce and child custody as well as communication following the divorce or separation of parents.


Diversity and Inclusion: Increasing Access to Services for Underserved Populations

Grief Process and Support Systems for Young Military Widows

Risk and Resiliency in Adverse Childhood Experiences: Implications for Prevention and Intervention

Women in Recovery – An Approach to Sustainable Empowerment