Brittany Peterson is the Senior Resource Specialist and RES Training Facilitator with the Second Chance Reentry Program of the Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission. She holds special certifications through the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), including Offender Workforce Development Specialist (OWDS), Offender Employment Retention Specialist (OERS) and Employment Retention Specialist – Criminal Justice (ERS-CJ). Brittany is a 2009 graduate of Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa, with dual degrees in International Studies and Sociology, minor specializations in Peace Studies and Political Science. Also, as a college honor student, she spent a semester abroad in El Salvador and Nicaragua, Central America, for thematic study on “Revolution, Transformation and Civil Society”, as well as conducting research on domestic violence. She has a broad base of experience in the Social Work profession. Her experience includes working with anti-human trafficking projects, work with at-risk, under-privileged youth, behavior modification and family reunification in both rural Iowa and low income communities of Kansas City, MO. She places an emphasis on successfully assisting reentry clients with violent criminal histories in order to break the chain of victimization. Her high quality, energetic, and focused performance makes her a valuable asset within the Greater Kansas City Reentry services community.