
Adriatik Likcani, PhD

Ryan Peterson, PhD

Allison Rayburn, PhD

Presentation: The presentation will focus on specific interventions on how to engage families and how to partner with them when they have a loved one struggling with Opioid Use Disorder and other substances. Presenters with talk about findings of the pilot program funded through SOR grant to develop and test family systems-based interventions and introduce participants to specific interventions for support groups and psychoeducational groups for families and caring others, and family therapy intervention specific to OUD treatment. The program goals were to: a) educate families on resources for them and their loved one struggling with opioid use disorder to enable engagement in treatment and recovery support services; b) educate families on family dynamics during addiction and the recovery process; c) provide open forums / workshops for families in the most non-stigmatizing and sensitive manner possible in the community to increase participation; d) offer family sessions to families with or without their loved one present to assist them in getting their loved one into treatment; e) enable engagement in treatment for the individual family member/s struggling with opioid and other substance use disorder; f) link the family and the individual members with substance use disorder with resources in their community to assist them in five major domain: basic needs, health and sobriety, secure safe and stable housing; develop a purpose; and to establish safe and supportive networks in their community.


  1. Identify strategies how to engage and partner with families
  2. Introduce concrete ideas and modules for support groups and psychoeducational groups with families
  3. Discuss how to integrate family systems-based interventions into programming